Carlisle 2014 Street Legal TV article. Recognize any of these cars?

Not a single Imp, not one!
Pass this on to your friend please.

The pictures of the cars there represent a lot of blood, sweat, tears and $$. Don't you think it would be nice if he spent the little extra time and named the owners of these cars??

It's one thing for some amateur like me to post up a bunch of pics on something like this forum... and quite another for a professional to use these cars to illustrate an article for a national TV program. It isn't like he'd have to track anyone down... the names are on the cars and he would just have to document it.

I know... It's done all the time... It just another way that people take advantage of car owners.
Not a single Imp, not one!

Not one C-Body.......
There are a couple C-bodies, you just have to scroll down far enough.