Cover of new Haggerty mag.


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Nov 14, 2010
Reaction score
Just got it but haven't read it yet, nice cover shot.

I just got mine in the mail today too. I have been waiting for it. Very nice write up the cover is great. You must be proud. :yourock:
I love this paragraph in Hagerty's

Amid the frenzy for unrestored cars, in a few cases, badly deteriorated original cars or older restorations have sold for top market value. This has been accompanied by a movement of people skilled at reintroducing patina to cars or portions of cars that have been recently restored. At the same time, barn finds are more popular then ever and, increasingly, they are left untouched - dust, cobwebs and all

People are nuts, crazy and stupid. You know in 1980 no one really gave a damn about cars 40 years old from the 40's. Now in 2000's people are going crazy over 40 year old cars. Definitely generational. In fact Hagerty, not typical for them, has said the market for cars from the 50's has now slowed due to that generation as they age and leave the scene. Leave = die I imagine.

Just wait till all those Craigslist sellers read this part about their crapped out cars. They will think they are worth big bucks now and can move to eBay.
By the way, since your 300 was there, how close was the color of yours compared to the Lincoln? They almost look the same in the cover shot.
People are nuts, crazy and stupid. You know in 1980 no one really gave a damn about cars 40 years old from the 40's. Now in 2000's people are going crazy over 40 year old cars. Definitely generational. In fact Hagerty, not typical for them, has said the market for cars from the 50's has now slowed due to that generation as they age and leave the scene. Leave = die I imagine.

I disagree, people in 1980 were into cars from the 30's through the 50's. Its always been a generational thing which is why I stand by my premise that C bodies will never be more popular than they are right now.
I disagree, people in 1980 were into cars from the 30's through the 50's. Its always been a generational thing which is why I stand by my premise that C bodies will never be more popular than they are right now.

Maybe you are disagreeing with the wrong thing? I didn't say people in the 80's weren't into cars as they were, but they weren't crazy stupid about it. Also the hobby was driven by hobbyists who by their sheer number enable restoration parts houses to flourish.

Today people are stupid crazy about 40 year old cars. The hobbyist is no longer the driving factor behind the hobby as it is the large scale collectors and auction houses. The hobbyists are just along for the ride now like it or not. We may still have the numbers but we don't have the tens of thousand of dollars to spend.

Reminds me exactly of a place I visit in Asia that was undiscovered through 2003. Nothing expensive with no 4 or 5 star hotels or restaurants to be found. It was an inexpensive place to kick back in. Then a Scottish entrepeneur came into town with his "own" vision and he started something that eventually replace him with people with bigger dreams and capital.

Now there are 4 star and some 5 star hotels and restaurants. Prices have more than doubled in the last several years. A hotel actually charges the same as one in New York City which is so far fetched, given where you are, that it boggles the mind. The place that used to have a fair amount of people through the week is now barren during the Sun-Thur. and busy Fri-Sat.

The crowd I saw and friends I saw have disappeared for other areas. The crowd coming in is different and doesn't make up for what has been lost. The place has lost the ambiance that drew us and has been replaced by a ticky tack Las Vegas version. It will, and is, slowly dying which the new powers won't see till it comes except a few perceptive business people who have seen the early signs. Two, who I am in contact with, over the last year have emailed me asking what is the reason I'm not there as often anymore.

It seems that when you price out the large average price sector of your niche and go for the smaller high price sector you can reap short term benefits but the long term seems to have a limit being age and dollars. The dollars would preclude anybody in their 20's and 30's from even remotely considering the cars of our days down the line. Besides they seem to prefer new technologies and those must be newer every year. Age of course will take a toll on us in the next 10-15 years.
People are nuts, crazy and stupid. You know in 1980 no one really gave a damn about cars 40 years old from the 40's.

Maybe you are disagreeing with the wrong thing? I didn't say people in the 80's weren't into cars as they were, but they weren't crazy stupid about it.

Good point, All I ever wanted, I mean, absolutely had to have I already have. I would love a million others though