Does anyone know how this is suppose to be painted?

No, the one I am talking about was in Audubon on rt 168, that was in 198?

Evesham twp or on Evesham rd Somerdale?
Ummm.. Rt 70 (?) rings a bell.
I always got lost down there.
It's a moot point. I delivered to all the Jersey Bradlees.
Probably not. The last time I was there was maybe 25 years ago. The company took those runs away from us and gave it to a scab outfit.

So how has it changed? Better? Worse?
Yeh, seems like millions of people live JUST in Evesham Township. I can't stand it and hate driving up, through or near there.....and most of the people who live there are BMW driving snobs.
they "think" they have money. money is paying for it with cash. I get the impressions these folks are credited out the wazoo....