

Old Man with a Hat
Jan 22, 2012
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Pleasant Hill, CA
We know there is a lot of talk about climate change affecting weather this and weather that. Water levels here and water levels there. Granted it can take time and how much time is there.

Lost in all that is agriculture as in crops to seafood for food. Those particular areas respond to slight temperature changes much faster than overall climate and water levels in affecting us. Reading this article was interesting first in showing US wheat growing regions shifting north to the Canadian border. Bad news for the Midwest. Warmer temps bad for wheat and lowers nutritional value a decent amount. Britain is making world class champagne? Are you kidding! French wine production at it's lowest level in 60 years.

More than that is what happens along the equator regions where temperatures could destroy many crops. This, more than anything else, is where world trouble and chaos will result. Have 50 million people without food and fresh water and watch what happens when they start moving. Man has always moved to search out better locations for living and we haven't changed.

Climate Change Is Messing With Your Dinner
Some of the more arid areas of the middle east have been dealing with decreasing amounts of water for several years. Many people going hungry and seeking to migrate to neighboring regions, as they can. It's about survival to them. Wars have been fought over the route a river might take by farmland or bypassing them for a reservoir. Not to mention the issues with the migrants might cause in the places they end up, due to over-crowding and such with the normal residents of that region.

On the car side of things, many European cities are working to diminish the number of cars which enter their inner cities. Paris is one where older vehicles are not allowed, except on certain days and only in certain areas. There's about a dozen or so of them headed in this direction. No wonder that all next-gen Volvos (allegedly all platforms) will be hybrids or electrics. "Clean Air" vehicles are the future over there, it seems.

So true about water. In Southeast Asia things will one day reach a critical point as China is building dams, looking for more power, that are going to affect water flow adversely through the Mekong Delta. Millions of people live there and China is basically telling the Vietnamese to stuff it. Food and water shortages lead to riots every time and those riots cannot be controlled once they start rolling.

We figured it out last time, we'll keep figuring it out.
This is true about both the climate and the water. I think the last days are closer than we think. And I can also say that it is difficult to find natural food now. There is food that is not suitable for humans, but it is still on the shelves of all stores. People eat synthetic foods and get cancer and other diseases. If we talk about me, I have unpleasant symptoms after every meal. I wanted to find the reason for this and was tested for food intolerance and other potential causes of these symptoms. You won't believe it, but I found out that I'm allergic to antibiotics that are added to meat and chicken. And I absolutely don't know where I can buy homemade meat that is not stuffed with harmful substances for rapid growth and greater profits.
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If i am not mistaken CA and NV have been in a legal tug of war over water rights
Really, do you have a source, or is this FUD?? From 2001-2017 I lived in CA, and for the last 3 have been in NV. Why is this the first I've ever heard of this? CA. has major water issues without even bringing NV into the mix. BTW, NV has more water then what they know to do with it, it's called "Management of Resources"!
I remember reading an article about vineyards in California. Years ago some farmers saw their crop yields dropping and predicted that the ideal climate for the grape varietals they were growing was shifting, probably north but I don't recall. So they bought a bunch of land in the area they predicted would be ideal in the future (i.e. now), while land prices were still low. Their bet paid off.
Really, do you have a source, or is this FUD?? From 2001-2017 I lived in CA, and for the last 3 have been in NV. Why is this the first I've ever heard of this? CA. has major water issues without even bringing NV into the mix. BTW, NV has more water then what they know to do with it, it's called "Management of Resources"!
LADWP (water/power mafia) has staff on the Hoover dam at palo verde Nuke plant etc etc . They own stakes all over Nevada and Az. They are self funding and are one of the biggest property tax payers in a bunch of California counties. I don’t think it’s as contentious as the Az vs Cal Colorado river BS but the chess game over water & power is played out each day. Seems lately it’s been easier to buy power and water outside the state from corrupt officials in other states than to produce your own. That bear is on the flag for a reason. Feed the beast Lol!!!
LADWP (water/power mafia) has staff on the Hoover dam at palo verde Nuke plant etc etc . They own stakes all over Nevada and Az. They are self funding and are one of the biggest property tax payers in a bunch of California counties. I don’t think it’s as contentious as the Az vs Cal Colorado river BS but the chess game over water & power is played out each day. Seems lately it’s been easier to buy power and water outside the state from corrupt officials in other states than to produce your own. That bear is on the flag for a reason. Feed the beast Lol!!!

Well, your talkin the South land and I'm up North. I know they're issues with S-land water, ****, I lived in Vacaville for 15+ years. But for the N. NV. area, between the Dam at Tahoe and where it lands at L. Pyramid, you'll see my statements true. Don't get me started about your Borked up state!!!! It made me a Felon without my say about it!!! GO AWAY, please!!! Thanx!
Well, your talkin the South land and I'm up North. I know they're issues with S-land water, ****, I lived in Vacaville for 15+ years. But for the N. NV. area, between the Dam at Tahoe and where it lands at L. Pyramid, you'll see my statements true. Don't get me started about your Borked up state!!!! It made me a Felon without my say about it!!! GO AWAY, please!!! Thanx!
You know LA(Los Angeles)dept water &power owns the water rights surrounding San Francisco too. These guys own everything.

On a side note we were drilling down about 1400 feet at CR Briggs gold mine and we tapped the geyser aquifer??? under the mountain range that separates pannimint valley our side from Beaty on your side. They forgot all about the stupid gold started making plans to sell the water and the US govt stepped in spanked them and told them abandon the part of the mine that hit water or else... water is in lake form now but untouched.
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Really, do you have a source, or is this FUD?? From 2001-2017 I lived in CA, and for the last 3 have been in NV. Why is this the first I've ever heard of this? CA. has major water issues without even bringing NV into the mix. BTW, NV has more water then what they know to do with it, it's called "Management of Resources"!
i was just trying to find where I read it, I cannot find it now. If I remember correctly it came up over the water levels at Lake Mead during a drought in California. Maybe during the bad fire season a 4 or 5 years ago.