Glenn Frey R.I.P

Well that blows..... I was fortunate enough to see Henley in concert about 25 years ago. Never got to see The Eagles in concert or Frey
My favorite Eagles song is Seven Bridges Road ..... then Witchy Woman. I realize you were pointing out Frey but I just had to ....

Very sad news. It seems like we lose a great talent about once a month now, if not more often than that.

I liked Smugglers Blues too and Take It Easy was one of my favorite Eagle's songs.
Really people........was there ever a bad Eagles or a Glenn Frey song? Ever???
Major loss, considering his work spanned 4 decades. Can't help but think of some the greatest times in my life when I hear music he created. Sad day... R.I.P Mr. Frey
This one hurts.

Some of you may know I'm a 'music guy' and have played in bands since I was 18. I've been an avid R&Rer for years. Losing a lot of these guys as they get older doesn't bother me that much; it's part of the gig called life and the lifestyle they choose but this one hurts.

From what I've read and heard Frey was an ******* but no matter...I've been a fan of his/their work since On the Border. Hotel California is my favorite album because of the guitar work and songwriting. I saw them at the Hollywood Bowl when I went to Spring Fling in 2010 and again in Omaha in September of 2014.

Thanks, Don for the smiles and the tears.

You can check out but you can never leave....
Another. You know these guys are pretty much our age or slightly older baby boomers. Some pay the price for what they indulged in during their early years and others, like Glenn, were dealt a bad genetic hand. Starts to hit close to home.