My Facebook page taken down

C Body Bob

Old Man with a Hat
Apr 8, 2012
Reaction score
Youngsville, NC
Ok I know a few of you over here follow me of FB. I managed 7 car groups over there & posted multiple times daily car & racing stuff. I stayed out of politics 99 % of the time. Made a lot of friends there. To quote Van Morrison we where cool & not uptight. I had damn near daily attacks on my groups by scammers. Many of my friends got hacked & I warned them repeatedly on things not to do. Well Saturday night at 1:30 a hacker successfully breached my account. 4:30 F@@@book alerts me my page had suspicions activity & was suspended & so it began. At 9 am I’m messaging back & forth with Mick from Facebook & this began to try my patience. I did everything Mick told me to do & nothing worked. I could not get back in. 1284 friends, 7 groups, 224 marketplace listings all wiped out. Just bizarre….Mick just a guy in a cubical powerless & too busy to worry about my FB page. Efforts to prove my identity to FB where not successful. At this point it looks like I’m outside looking in. I will be in further contact with FB. So I often get asked why I’m on FB. Well it’s quite easy. Just a couple of examples. I’ve sold hundreds of items on FB Marketplace. I typically sell locally & people come to my shop often. A month ago I sold a 383 engine to a guy on FB. Just last week I sold a 69 Pontiac GTO rubber bumper on FB. I meet Ken Johnson through FB. He’s a fellow MOPAR drag racer & races different tracks than I do so not likely I would have meet him, but due to all my postings he started following me. I’ve bought a 440 race engine from him. He introduced me to David Gore of Gore Motorsports & I bought a nice 440 race engine from David. There’s about 30 MOPAR bracket cars racing in eastern NC with Gore Motorsports engines. I also bought the Imperial Stock Eliminator car off of FB from a friend of Ken’s. So yea I was heavily active in these parts on FB. Yea I know create another page & start over. Might have to do that but . I guess I’m venting here because as many people that get their accounts hacked FB should have better solutions to deal with & recover.
I followed you there Bob, you had a great group, I’m sorry to hear this. That explains the missing content notice I saw this morning. I’m on FB because so many are there and post interesting content and pics you just don’t get anywhere else. With all due respect to Joey, we just don’t get the posts and content here that we used to a few years ago. It‘s unfortunate, but it seems that FB is now run by outdated tech and hosted by amateurs. I hope you can recover, I will be following.
That seriously sucks. I personally am not on FB but through my daughter have gotten some great deals on FB marketplace.

I am also a serious drag racer. If I can ever get the darn car down the track! Now the brand new transmission is broke...........
Well that sucks Bob, good luck working with FB. My wife and I have a FB acct together, but haven't had any issues so far
I followed you there Bob, you had a great group, I’m sorry to hear this. That explains the missing content notice I saw this morning. I’m on FB because so many are there and post interesting content and pics you just don’t get anywhere else. With all due respect to Joey, we just don’t get the posts and content here that we used to a few years ago. It‘s unfortunate, but it seems that FB is now run by outdated tech and hosted by amateurs. I hope you can recover, I will be following.
Have you checked out Bob's YouTube channel?
That is no good! Sorry to hear about this, but FB not being able to straighten it out doesn’t surprise me. Not in their core compencies to handle account management and recovery. If it was N*rton, I would be shocked, but FB isn’t N*rton.
Ok I’m back up & running on FB again. I spent 6 hours on this yesterday & unfortunately I have not been able to restore my old account. Facebook customer service is horrible. I found the hackers encrypted phone # & was able to send him two messages through FB but obviously I can’t directly text him. I know how he got in & what time. Pretty sure but not positive he’s from the USA. So I started a new account & the rebuilding process has already begun. I with the help of Mopar guru William Sparrow of Kentucky got back on most of my groups. I’m sure many of you know William. Another friend got me back into another group & im working on still another. I’m up to 5 friends & I’ll start letting people know I have a new account. Long way from the 1200 plus. Just a ruse no big deal. Most where just followers of my post. They’ll come back. I lost all my marketplace adds so I restarted that last night too. William spent an hour on phone with me last night helping me rebuild. . God bless him. Anyway it is what it is. Powerless at this point to do much about it. Pick up the pieces & move on.
So what was the point of essentially disabling / erasing your FB account? Did the hacker ever try to extort you to get your account back, with all it's content and connections?
I know how he got in & what time.
Care to elaborate?

Heh I'm surprised I haven't been kicked off there, I've riled a few flipper feathers both in the Mopar & Motorcycle groups... but I got a hardened password. Most I've got lately was some posts removed in a motorcycle roasting group but that was just a response to a authors post that was removed, but you get to a point why bother ya'know.

A good decades old friend of mine from the beginnings of the original TT Forum that went to FB just had some problems with his account going to be suspended or deleted due to inactivity as he first listed his account when he created it as 'Celebrity' as due to his antics in the 90's TT. He and his cohort were on the TT DVD's and he was featured on some 1990's UK celebrity TV show. I razed him about the deleting as he was getting old and you lose your celebrity status when you post up train spotting pics & videos... LOL

I think FreekBook finally came to their senses and reinstated his account, a lot of that **** (as with YouBoob) is all done via a AI bot, no human intervention is involved.

I'll just sit back with a BIG GRIN on my face if I ever get booted.
<insert success kid meme here>

So what was the point of essentially disabling / erasing your FB account? Did the hacker ever try to extort you to get your account back, with all it's content and connections?
So far nothing that I’ve found. However he only had it for a few hours. Not sure he could get much but I really don’t know.
that's sad that this happened to you my friend , but facebppk is a hackers paradise of delight . i've had my personal account hacked along with all my facebook friends . i was going to peddle some parts and cars as well . but i was shout out went i talked covid and the usa's lack of response in the medical community . we just let the pharmaceutical companies in the usa come up with a solution when other counties around the world had a drug that worked against that .......... stop i'm doing it again . well long story short , the ceo of fb has ties to the medical ind in the usa . sorry i've never befriended you on fb , but i just don't go there . hope you get back up where you want tobe .
Add up all the hours you spend trying to deal with FB's radical leftist slant and you could have restored a '58 imperial in less time.
When I've been wronged by idiots (like the 30 days in jail for using the word "lynch") I don't waste one molecule of oxygen trying to deal with it. I just move on with something more pleasurable like doing a Build and Price on a Hellcat Jailbreak.
If something pisses me off, I immediately turn away.
Whenever using a centralized online platform for storing personal data and digital property, such as bookface, youtube, instachat, itunes, etc. Nothing is ever guaranteed, and it can all disappear in an instant, without warning, as witnessed...... Whether it be from hackers or the platform itself.

Use at own risk, and remember, you're being watched.


Add up all the hours you spend trying to deal with FB's radical leftist slant and you could have restored a '58 imperial in less time.
When I've been wronged by idiots (like the 30 days in jail for using the word "lynch") I don't waste one molecule of oxygen trying to deal with it. I just move on with something more pleasurable like doing a Build and Price on a Hellcat Jailbreak.
If something pisses me off, I immediately turn away.
They have the M6 back! :poke:
Whenever using a centralized online platform for storing personal data and digital property, such as bookface, youtube, instachat, itunes, etc. Nothing is ever guaranteed, and it can all disappear in an instant, without warning, as witnessed...... Whether it be from hackers or the platform itself.

Use at own risk, and remember, you're being watched.

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The selling of data is insane, micro analyzing any and every keystroke. Just for marketing, yeah sure.