Neutral safety swich and parking lock cable


New Member
Jan 13, 2019
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new york city area
I have problems consistently starting my '65 Imperial. Problem seems to be the parking lock cable engaging the sparg/neutral safety switch. If I drive car, it takes some effort to get it into park. You don't have to force I, but do need to move the gear select lever to that position a number of times. If I shut the car off, it won't start unless I run the gear select lever through the gears. Sometimes works on first try, sometimes takes 15 minutes. I believe the issue is where the cable connects to the parking sprag.

Does anyone have any suggestions or tricks on how to adjust the cable?
First thing to do is get a Factory Service Manual. John, @Big_John knows of a site to download them,I can't recall what it is of the top of my head.
I did a little research, and found out that the '65 's still used the cable system like the push button set from prior years.
Here is a snippet from the Imperial club website ( Repairing Shifting Problems On Your Imperial's Transmission )

"The 1965 models went to the Column shift BUT retained the CABLE shift Transmission of the PUSHBUTTON era. In 1966, they went to all linkage. In order for you to be able to start and move your Imperial, locate where the cable broke and see if you can get a
pair of vise grips or locking pliers on the innermost strand(s) of wire; I am hoping that you have at least an inch to play with. IF you do then move the cable all the way in and see if you can jazz the starter(keep your footon the brake for safety sakes!!!)IF not ,try pulling it out a little at a time, you may feel a click as it goes into each gear, when you hit neutral you can start it. THEN you can pull it out a little more until it goes into drive. At least you could then drive it to either your repairman or to your home( you did not say where you got stuck). BUT under no circumstances , DO NOT DRIVE it this way permanently. You will need to reolace the cable.!!!

From Bill:

The 1965 Torqueflite did, indeed, retain the cable controls of the pushbutton era, but there are TWO cables on the transmission - one for park and one for all the other gears.

The one for R-N-D-2-1 is part number 2534 410 and is 44.96" long. Console shift A-727 models also used a 44.96" cable, but it is part number 2461 928. The park cable for an Imperial is number 2533 725. Both Imperial numbers were used only by Imperial and only in 1965.

These cables attach to the steering column at the base. They are attached to a plate that is attached to the steering column gearshift tube. It is this tube that the gearshift lever moves to activate the cables attached at the base. The cables themselves do not run up into the column.

There is, however, a cable the connects to the gear indicator (2660 119). This cable is attached to the gearshift lever at one end and the indicator at the other."

Perhaps your cable simply needs to be pulled and lubricated then adjusted.
Thanks very much. I do have a manual and have gone through the section a bunch. I don't think my cable is broken as I can get it into and out of gear - just not consistently. I'm pretty sure it needs to be adjusted at the transmission end as I can see the cables move at the bottom of the steering column when I move the gear selector lever. I think there is just too much play in the parking cable.
This is interesting as we are still having issues with the 65 Newport. The tranny was removed, remanufactured, and replaced and shifts great, however, when warm the selector does not consistently change gears. i.e. may stick in gear when moved to neutral or reverse, may go into neutral in any indicator position. Transmission folks took it apart again and checked the valve body. All good. Then they got it nicely warmed up, immediately pulled the pan and checked. All good, except, when they moved the selector nothing moved in the tranny. My mechanic is now working in the column area to see if something is loose there and binds just enough when warm (maybe a seal at tranny swells just a bit or something) that the cable cannot move. When it cools again all is good.