Sweet, I will look into the upper control arms 70FuryConv. Thanks for the offer, let me look at mine before I decide. I might have to go with a new gas tank. Is there a good product out their that you can put into the fuel tank to clean the Carb jets. I heard of Sea Foam? Any ideas?
Update on the Fury: Last Tuesday my Uncle and I arrived at the garage where the fury has been resting for the last 11 months. I still can't get the car to start in park, only neutral. My Uncle's trailer fit a 1955 International Dump Truck on it several weeks ago for transport, big trailer. The Fury was too big for the trailer! I didnt realize the car was wider than 6.5 ft from bumper to bumper. I now have to try and get a flatbed for transport. This Tuesday or Wednesday, she should be down at my house.
My friend with the ford's has a hydralic jack like the one pictured above. Let's just say I would'nt feel too comfortable working under that car with just that jack for support.