Poppy, my first C-body

Muffler Replacement was a bit less glamourist but interesting. The stock replacement muffler measures 25" while the much-ballooned economy muffler measured 19". As the photos below show what gasoline vapor and an ignition source can do. The last two photos are rubbing marks made by the floor pan.




I picked up a reinvigorated Poppy from @david hill today, and she was my driver for the last leg of a long business trip. Here she is, on this nice spring day. Photo one shows her ready to visit, AFAIK for the first time since she was born, the land of Lincoln; photo two shows her parked in a small town along the way. The sun was out but so was the wind, and I kept the heat (controls fully functional now thanks to David!) and windows up to stay warm with the top down at highway speeds.


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I picked up a reinvigorated Poppy from @david hill today, and she was my driver for the last leg of a long business trip. Here she is, on this nice spring day. Photo one shows her ready to visit, AFAIK for the first time since she was born, the land of Lincoln; photo two shows her parked in a small town along the way. The sun was out but so was the wind, and I kept the heat (controls fully functional now thanks to David!) and windows up to stay warm with the top down at highway speeds.

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Looks great. Good on you getting Poppy out in the wild.
@ayilar, how was the drive with the refreshed 318? Big difference?
As the always funny @Trace 300 Hurst pointed out, the difference was hard to miss :) I drove the car for a couple of hours around the speed limit, varying speed and load so as not to stress the engine too much -- I will give more gas when the car goes north to stay with @71Polara383 in a few weeks.

@david hill also fixed the heater controls (which worked, but were very hard to move -- they now feel buttery), the convertible top mechanism (it was moving well, but now is great and it remains properly aligned on the way down, something that had started being an issue last year), realigned the windows and serviced the rolling mechanisms, etc.

There are a few things left to do:

1. rebuild the P/S pump (the original started leaking a bit last fall, and it's gotten worse);
2. fix an exhaust leak: David told me that he noticed the tell-tale tick right away when he got the car, though it had never struck me -- but now of course I notice it; again, this is something that was not an issue when I bought the car and got it back on the road back in 2018, but it needs fixed -- possibly by changing the front of the exhaust (Waldron's will be the supplier);
3. replace the plug wires -- they were replaced in 2018, but David tells me it is time and, looking at them, I agree -- I have a set from Electric Limited that I plan to use;
4. find cat whiskers (the driver's door one especially is dried up, leading to a rattle that was not there before);
5. replace the original top: this is not absolutely necessary, but the original (which looked great when I bought the car, as it had not been used for 32 years) now looks ragged and I'll have to bite the bullwet. Snow White, Poppy's N-code sister, will get a new top first -- and if I am happy with the results then so will Poppy.

The plan is to bring Poppy to the 7th C-body show organized by @sixpkrt and get the above items taken care: 1 and 3 before Volo, 2-4-5 in late summer and fall.
Who got blue paint on firewall?
The valve covers were repainted by the restorer who helped me bring Poppy back on the road in spring 2018. However, I do not see any overspray in the photo below, dated June 2018 (after he was done with that work):

paint overspray Poppy no issue 0618.jpg

The engine was rebuilt, and the block repainted, in summer 2019 -- after the car had run hot on the long drive back from Carlisle. Here is a photo of the engine bay dated Aug. 22, 2019 that shows the block -- but not the firewall. I suspect that it happened at that time, but can't figure out why as the block had been taken outside.

20190822 Poppy engine after rebuilding Smitty.jpg

Perhaps @71Polara383 (who currently has the car at his shop) will be able to chime in.
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I got to enjoy Poppy this weekend, picking her up on Saturday at @71Polara383 's shop and then driving her today to participate in @sixpkrt 's C-Body Show in Union, IL. Here she is parked at the show, with her top back up (I drove her to the show topless, together with @fury fan , but a bit of rain made the covering up necessary):


After the show, I drove her to Indy where her original convertible top, boot, and well lining are all going to be replaced using correct Legendary repops (as suggested by @Big_John ) at a shop recommended by @david hill. Those items are only original once, I know -- but the top's seams are fraying badly, the boot has been patched up once and the clips are now starting to break, and so it is time to bite the bullet.

On the way from Union to Indy, Poppy passed 36k miles. Here is a photo for records, showing also how well the cooling is working (the temperature outside must have been about 85F at the time of the photo, but she did just fine in heavy Chicago traffic and 90F+ outside).


Look forward to having the top done, so that I can drive her from Indy to Carlisle in less than 3 weeks.
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After the muffler "explosion" that started a one-and-one-half year period of R&Rs for Poppy, today is a good time to thank @david hill for his work on the engine, exhaust, and suspension in Winter and early Spring 2023, and @71Polara383 for a number of additional revisions and restorations that became necessary after I'd driven Poppy to the 7th Annual C-Body Show and back in June 2023. The additional work was prompted by some engine hesitations that I had not experienced in the previous two months (May & June 2023), and some new noises in the engine bay: among other things, @71Polara383 and I ended up replacing the spark plug wires installed run 2018 with a new Lectric Limited reproduction set, having the original alternator rebuilt, and replacing the power steering pump.

As eye candy, here is the original alternator after the rebuild by Forrest City Auto Electric in Rockford, IL:


@71Polara383 also cleaned up the surface rust in Poppy's trunk and coated the entire trunk with a protective layer of satin clear. The idea was to keep the original paint and thus the correct colors, while eliminating all worries that the surface rust could return. The result looks fantastic:


Truly, the car felt good this weekend on the way to and back from the 8th Annual C-Body Show -- pretty much just as she felt after I first got to drive her in 2018. Poppy is back!
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