
I remember being in Germany in 1990 for the World Cup, when Germany won it then. My little village celebrate en masse, and I'll never forget my German neighbor knocking loudly on my door, yelling "Patrick, come drink, we won!"; while everyone in our town (about 800) staggered on down to the local Bierhalle to drink all the beer in town, until around 5 am or so. Needless to say, at work, all the Germans called in "sick", while the rest of us were expected to show up for work. Maybe 20% of the workforce actually showed up. It was quite the celebration!

I was stationed in Augsburg 1984-1992...other than when I deployed to Operation Desert Shield/Storm 1990-1991.
Hm, I was not in bed as I mentioned... A friend of mine came by to pick me up at 1am and we were in a local Kneipe, quite similar to a Bierhalle, but a tap better ;)
I slept ~1 hours before I went to work. yep, I was at work! I dad always said, Who can drink, can also work. Maybe I was not as efficient as usual, but I didn't called in sick ;)
Today was Homecoming of the german team and my boss spent beer for the whole campany :D

Man, enought beer till friday now!