We have 63 "J99XXX" cars to date. These are the cars I consider to be "true Hursts". This excludes the Prototype car and the Linda car, which are not J99 cars.
I have a list of about 275 Hurst VINs (a little over half the total production), but with no other data such as J numbers or door dates or options or
anything else. It's just verified VINs submitted to a database years ago, and these submissions were randomly submitted by the owners. So it is not really "solid" data, but it's something. It starts at 178250 and ends at 241389.......with nothing but Hurst VINs in between. That also means that over 63,000 cars were produced during during this VIN listing!
What this list DOES show is "batches" of cars. For instance, there is a group of 14 VINs that are distinct from the VINs before and after it. I think we can assume it is a batch that was built and sent off to Hurst. [199983 199985 199986 199987 199992 199993 199996 199997 199999 200001 200003 200005 200006 200007] We have two of these in the Registry, and one them shows a door date of April. Okay....that's nice, but other batches were produced in April, so.....
Prior to this group there were about 3000 cars produced, and after this group about 3100 cars were produced. I have not analyzed the whole list for batches vs. possible dates because.....it's just number drudgery and the 275 cars is only 56 percent of the Hursts so significant data can be missing, and I can see gaps in the list. Without door dates it's just a jumble. What we originally started trying to do with the Registry is to correlate VINs with J99 numbers and door dates to spot the cars that are outliers and jump around within the VIN sequence. Those are the cars that might have sat for around waiting for "Hurstization" or other production line inconsistencies that
@69CoronetRT has taught us. But with only 63 cars yet, there's just not enough data to do that. We need another 400 cars with Fender Tag and Door Sticker info, so get busy, folks!
Interestingly, 235899 (provided to us by
@Lycidias) is second-to-last on the 275 list. Only 241389 is newer it stands all by itself, 5490 cars away from 235899, and it's the only 24XXX number on that list. Is the 275 list missing a WHOLE BATCH of the final Hursts? Will we ever unravel these mysteries?