Thoughts from Carlisle 2022

Jackson/Boydsdodge ,

It is very easy, actually.... I am right next to the bathrooms and showerhouse....
At some point, you would have needed to use the facility --- and, if you used the one by me, you were right next door....

Next time you go to Chryslers @ Carlisle, grab the F R E E book, I have 17 ads in there --- more than any outfit // anybody (and I PAY for them....) --- and you can't miss me....

In that same F R E E book, is the Map of the 94 acres --- and you can easily spot Spaces H 107 - H108.....

I am already paid for next year, 2023.....

Thin ??? Flea Market ???

You weren't at my stand --- H 107 - H 108, with 100.00 % GLORIOUS & MOPAR
PARTS --- 500,000 people were at my Awesome Spread....

Many, Many dug in with a big fork and steak knife.....
You sell online?
So I showed up at my space on Thursday morning and went to talk to Mike Carter at AMS and he came down and BOUGHT ME OUT. So I just hung out with the guy in back of me until Sunday when Mike was able to load my stuff. I didn't even need to set up my canopy!