Van's Fuel Tanks


Jan 15, 2017
Reaction score
Pacific Northwest
Hi there. How is the quality of Van's fuel tanks? Price is very competitive ($260 shipped for 71 c-body tank). They also seem like a responsive company.
I put one in my 68 NYer last spring with out issue. It fit like a glove. Just keep your old ring for putting your sending unit back in. The ring they send with it doesn't work worth a darn.
I recently had to have a leaking vent line fixed, it was clearly a cold solder joint. Fit was perfect, otherwise good. I'd get another one.


Did you break out the Benzomatic or have it done ?
If I had not used it yet I would have done it myself, having had gas in it wasn't a chance I was going to take. I did have to siphon 23+ gallons out.

Before purchasing mine I called and asked the brand. They said they are made for them. So, it isn't a Spectra tank.

I'm sure they were made for them.

The question is by who?

Spectra and Quanta are 2 big players and I'm pretty sure Quanta is off shore.

I don't know who their supplier is but if you wanted to get into the gas tank biz, Spectra I'm sure would be more than happy to sell you a few thousand.

I'm sure they were made for them.

The question is by who?

Spectra and Quanta are 2 big players and I'm pretty sure Quanta is off shore.

I don't know who their supplier is but if you wanted to get into the gas tank biz, Spectra I'm sure would be more than happy to sell you a few thousand.

Agreed, by point was that the tank isn't "branded". There's no name on it when you get it.
I read elsewhere the Vans tanks are made in Taiwan and Spectra in Canada. And Vans tanks come prime painted while Spectra unfinished.
I read elsewhere the Vans tanks are made in Taiwan and Spectra in Canada. And Vans tanks come prime painted while Spectra unfinished.
I got mine from Vans and it is not painted, there is a part number stamped on it that matches the Spectra numbers.

Vans tanks are from Taiwan. They were plain steel non galvinized but they may have improved them. The SPI tanks are Canadian made but there are no deals for Canadians....they are twice as much locally vs buying in the US. I think it's because they are made by a bunch of Anglo hating Frenchies...but that's just my opinion lol.
Maybe they switched suppliers to Spectra.
I got mine from Vans and it is not painted, there is a part number stamped on it that matches the Spectra numbers.

Lots of Chinese made parts run OEM or aftermarket part #'s because they are just copied parts. I've purchased some stuff
from Chinese suppliers that has another US companies name cast in it....they probably don't have a clue what the script says.
Look at the parts made by PG...they run the Chrysler part # and US vendor code on the rear of their die cast parts and then somebody grinds the pentastar off the piece after it's chromed so they don't get into trouble with ma Mopar.