For Sale Wanted 1970 Sport Fury GT

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WOW>Lovely cars guys.I,m so happy there are guys that are intent on sourcing these and basically recreating them.It would have been cool if GT,s were made thru 73.Love the 72 and 73 the most.But you have to love the grilles of the GT,s to.I just like the tail fin like rear of the later models,at least when you see the rear tail light assembly.Hey,somebody make a 73 GT coupe,that would be cool.B.B
Was this Tom Moore's? Love the color scheme

I bought it in Holland when it just arrived overhere in early 2015.

One of the previous owners was Greg Ficklin from SC.
It lived in California (Modesto area) before it got bought and shipped over to europe.

The Name Tom Moore doesn't ring a bell

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