1965 Power antenna repair or replace?


Sep 2, 2023
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Ok gang here's the the story. My antenna is not moving up or down, but I can hear the motor when I operate the switch. On the outside the antenna bezel is seated flush w/ the car body but it's not fastened or connected to anything... it just rests in the hole. I can easily lift it up and that seems to me wrong, that something should fasten it down and hold it tight to the car. With no gasket or rubber either, how would water not get down into that space? ..So I think I'm missing something there. I read somewhere that there should be a retainer clip that holds the bezel to the car, but not sure about that. As for the antenna section and motor inside the fender. I pulled it out and other than a small dent near the top of the outer tube, and age ....it looks normal. Obviously something is wrong because it doesn't move up or down. I can manually pull up the antenna or push it down, however I can't push it all the way down. What you see in the photo is as far as I can push it down.

So my questions are: Can these antennas typically be repaired in most cases and if so can someone point me to some steps on that. If not, is it better to try and find a working one from the era and install it? Also let me know if there's is indeed a retainer clip, and gasket I need.
Should it end up a better deal to just put on a working one from the era ( whichever power antennas fit a 1965) I'm open to buying one if somebody here has one for me.


Yes, there should be some sort of retainer holding the antenna mast from the underside of the fender. You might find more out about that by looking at the Chrysler Parts Book for that model year (free download at www.mymopar.com , in the parts illustrations.

As to the motor running and nothing happening, there is a plastic tube which expands and collapses the mast assy. On the motor end, which indexes with the drum it winds and unwinds against is a right-angle (soft bend) metal hook. That is what moves things when the motor runs. With time and age, it can become separated from the plastic tube, rendering the unit as you now seem to have.

These units can be repaired. Perhaps there is someone in your area who can do that? If you find nobody, PM me and I know a guy here in TX that does that (although he normally is known within Buick groups) who might be able to help you.

Just some thoughts,
Okay good info. I looked up the part(s) for the upper portion of the antenna ( where it fastens to the fender ) just under the collar. Looking at the parts catalog, I can't tell by the drawing schematic which exactly are the parts I'm missing. It can be hard to interpret those sometimes, but appears to show many little pieces at the top that I don't have. I'll show a screen capture of what the parts catalog shows, and then some pics of the top of my actual antenna. Maybe you can help me narrow down between the pictures, and what parts I'm lacking.

The darker less focused pics are from inside of the fender showing the dent on the mast housing, and the top of the mast where it would meet the outer collar piece. I also found and eBay listing that may have what I'm lacking. Check it out: eBay item number:184405184840

Chime in if you have a thought on this..... Thanks

Antenna prts1.jpg

Antenna prt picture.jpg





The Adapter 1-88-6 should match the inner contour of the fender for a sturdy mount when combined with the outer bezel. I suspect the bushing might be more of a generic bushing of a particular diameter and thickness to keep the center mast centered in the outer tube? Then the collar holds all of that stuff together?

The gaskets are either a fibre material or molded black plastic. Just to keep things from being "metal to metal", I suspect. Which means they can be cut from flat stock material.

The flat spot in the outer tube, to me, is not significant as there should be nothing moving between the outer tube and the mast tube.

For good measure, the motor probably should have a boss on it to accept a bolt for a lower bracket to ensure everything's stable down there.

Just some thoughts, in general,
I'm not familiar with those models, however looking at the diagram and comparing with your photos, I'd wager that it's been changed to an aftermarket set up. Looks like the top bezel is correct and not included on the drawings. I would imagine it's held on with a large U shaped clip. The drawings lack the tab with screw and screws holding the "shield".


You may be right, I noticed the drawing did not seem to depict the bezel as it looks, if at all. I saw this on ebay 1964 1965 1966 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL POWER ANTENNA GUIDE AND CLIP ORIGINAL OEM A+ | eBay
And it has a clip that I don't have ...but I don't see that in the drawing either. If the mast is an aftermarket I'm not sure. It does have 2 indention's on the top end of the mast ...and the bezel that is factory, has 2 corresponding tabs that rest into those indention's perfectly. Even seeing the retaining clip on ebay ...I'm not sure how it connects up to the mast. Wondering if I should I get that on eBay, as I can't seem to find that clip part separately thus far. Yes you notice the side mirror screws ..they are not factory :)