1968 NewYorker TNT engine ID question


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
Chilton Wi
Hi ,can anyone shed some info on the stamp on my 440, beside date, and HP stamp there is also a O stamped on the raised pad and also on the block where the water pump bolts on. I appreciate the time. mike





Seems like the FSM details all of the stampings on that pad area? Things which might impact factory assy but not most things we encounter after the engine is in the car? In the front of the B/RB engine section, as I recall.

Interesting, for 67 you could only get the 350hp in a new Yorker ( afaik).
So in 68 you could get both?
You could order the 375 horse in a New Yorker in ‘67. This page shoes the option.
Can't shed any light on the "O" Mike. Have you checked for VIN's on the block & transmission? My '68 TNT had a partial VIN stamped on the lip of the bellhousing & block. You could see it from the driver's side, it was offset a bit from the top. I've heard they didn't all come that way but I haven't made a study of it. The '68 TNT I had was also special ordered like yours, it was a Newport convertible, supposedly one of 14.
My uncle had a '67 NY 375 horsepower 440, it had the same dress up as a '67 GTX
He was in Nebraska.
He said he floored it twice, the first time it scared him so much he didn't want to do it again, the 2ns time, he mis-judged an on coming car when passing, he nailed it and completed the pass with plenty to spare.
I told him I would buy it when he was ready, he called in 83, right after I bought a 1983 1/2 Charger Shelby and had to pass on it.