4 speed New Yorker? Yes.

I get to enjoy the opposite effect, having never driven anything under 2.5 tons, all of them vans. With that background my 1.75 Ton SB Fury feels nimble as a cat.
The new owner called me tonight. Says the engine is a dog.

Whoa, how weird... Did you tell him the engine in the truck you used to drive was a CAT??? :cat:

No reponse huh? I guess the truck you drove had a Cummins or a Detroit then?


No reponse huh?
Sorry. It was such a bad play on words, I didn't want to encourage others.
And it was all Cummins except for a brief, torrid affair with a Detroit in the 70's. I was young and needed the money...

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Wait. I just remembered. Cat gave our fleet an evaluation tractor in 2004. It was governed at 60 mph so as to give the fleet manager the illusion that Cats got better mpg. I drove it once. Never again....

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