5th Annual C Body Show


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2013
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This time of the season, a lot of us are in a deep freeze. Winter will be over soon, and before we know it it’ll be driving season again.
With that said, I would like to see the 5th Annual C Body Mopar Show as one of the destinations your C Body travels will take you in 2021.

The event will be on June 26th, and held at the Illinois Railway Museum, in Union, Illinois from 10AM to 5PM.

Below you will find the event flyer, and the link where you will need to register for the show.

When registering you will be asked to provide an email address. Once you complete the registration, you will receive an email which will allow you to print your ticket which you will need to enter the show with your C Body. (be sure to bring this ticket with you)
To enter the museum, present your registration receipt and pay the Illinois Railway Museum (IRM) employee the $20 fee to enter the show field.

I have negotiated an agreement with the IRM to permit the $20 fee per car regardless of how many people are in your C Body who arrives for the show. The fee covers, your reserved show car event parking inside the museum grounds, and full access to the museum.
As in the past shows this year I plan to have food and beverages as well as a raffle for show field attendees.

For those interested, the Chicagoland Mopar Club will be having their Mopars in their Park Car Show in Fox Lake, IL the next day, June 27th.
Hotels and a KOA campground are nearby for those interested.

Looking forward to having you being a part of the event.

5th Annual C Body Mopars Car Show

2021 C Body Mopars_IRM event flyer.jpg
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Awesome, thanks Tim! Let's see if we can get a dozen station wagons this year!
Awesome poster. Would love to make it and meet the burgeoning Illinois/upper Midwest C-Body crowd, but it's over 2100 miles from me!
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Registered! Thanks @sixpkrt for organizing the event :thankyou:

I'll try to make it, it's only 4.5 hours from me. My buddy with a 72 New Yorker will probably caravan with me.
Super. It'd be great to see your car and his '72. Here is Buttercup, my '72 NYB, at last year's 4th Midwest.

PS: pls alert your buddy to The 1972 Chrysler Thread?

IMG_2026 copy.jpg
I'm definitely in. It will be great to see everyone again. Just a four and 1/2 hour drive away. 2021 got to be better. Will spread the word.
@Brennen Williams -- I attended the 3rd (Volo) and 4th (Randall Oaks) shows. They were very well organized and lots of fun, and I can't wait for the 5th event in Union.

Don't just take my word for it. Each of the shows has its own FCBO thread with lots of comments and pics, so you can find/read those threads and judge for yourself.

Here are a couple of pics that I took. They do not show all the cars but should give you a flavor.

Volo 2019:
IMG_1678 copy.jpg

Randall Oaks 2020:
IMG_2033 (2).jpeg
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