Backyard Pictures

These are for you Stan, W6 015.jpgW6 027.jpg

W6 015.jpg

W6 027.jpg
I'd be out in that little building with a pot belly stove and a Barc-A-Lounger reading Hemmings.
What happens when your kid forgets to turn the chute on the snow snow cover 005.jpgsnow cover 007.jpgblower...

snow cover 005.jpg

snow cover 007.jpg
You even had the coolest shed.....

It was an awesome shed .. 10' x 14' with a concrete floor, metal roof, rain coming down sounds cool, built in the 20's, and I used to play in it as a child, filled it with my salvage yard finds for over 20 years, I played a little joke in it one day on my brother when we were battling a wicked big possum, and it's gonna tear me up a little to tear it down but it's past saving and there is no point now

If you were talking to someone else never mind ;)
Dead center of the picture is our place. I turned my backyard into a big garage a few years ago.
