building a small block 4 speed c, nd help


New Member
Jan 31, 2016
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this may be a difficult request but could use some help.
im not sure if anyone else has tried this creation yet or not but im in the process of installing a A833 in a 68 Fury III SMALL BLOCK car. I used a bell from a 69 a body the trans is from a 66 b -body. all if fine an well except I cant get the clutch linkage sorted out. I have / had a z bar from a big block 4 speed c body. but the pivot arm on the bell housing side was was to short to meet up with the clutch fork so I cut that end off and extended it with a piece of a truck z bar to make the the length (added 3") for a total of 4 1/2' from z bar tube to pivot point. needless to say with my creation installed and the opposite end being only 1 1/2" long the pedal pressure was so high I couldn't push it down (mostly due to the extreme difference in both ends of the bar). so im at a loss for an answer.
anyone ever build a small block 4 speed car? and have a solution BECIDES hydro??? I really don't want to but up the firewall to do hydro.
thanks, and sorry for long post
did almost the same thing with a bunch of mismatched swap meet parts in 1995. 4spd trans into '69 newport. ended up scrapping the whole mess and fabricating my own z bar from scratch. then the z bar to clutch pedal geometry was off. had to s-can the satellite pedal i had, raise the pivot point and use a modified f350 pedal. another fella here did a thread on his swap into a '68 in the past week. used store bought hydraulics. came out very nice. lots of very helpful, very knowledgeable people here. of course they want pictures. good luck with your car, SG
c body small block 3 speeds are not uncommon. maybe the z bar from one of these could be more easily adapted
im thinking something along those lines would possibly work..... I also found this from national moparts...
sort of looks like a truck z bar though, I emailed them for specs, waiting for reply

I found out the hard way not all bell housings are identical in the z-bar mounting points.
I helped a guy out who spent thousands to try to get his clutch linkage problems solved. I didn't even look at it and said, You got the correct bell housing for matching the engine to the transmission but it's for the wrong model.
I was right.
Welcome to the site, I am sure the guy's here can get your clutch problem sorted out.
I havent gotren a reply yet from national moparts but im leaning toward purchasing that z bar. I really dont want to reinvent the wheel and create a hydro setup. Being with all the money and fab ive done this far. I know yall want pics but the file size of the ohotos on my cell phone are to large...
the lengths of the arms on the bar and the clock positions. i should take another look at mine. it's been twenty years since i built it. before i started driving it last summer i hit all the grease points in the heim joints that i used to connect everything. just couldn't believe that i ever had time or patience to built such things. and it was similar to inventing the wheel because none of the factory stuff that got worked, but then it was b body stuff that i was using. wrong! SG
Call this guy and leave him a voice mail about what your needing he has a c body salvage in Pennsylvania I got everything to convert my 66 Fury over to a 4 speed from him for less then 9 hundred bucks. I left him a voice mail and he called me back about 3 weeks later with the parts so you will have to be a little patent with him but he is a good guy.
Murray B. Park
PH: (419) 448-0293
Very nice guy i have indeed spoke with him. I wmailed and left voicemail in december. And they stated they couldnt help with my project because it was to "unique"
I found out the hard way not all bell housings are identical in the z-bar mounting points.
I helped a guy out who spent thousands to try to get his clutch linkage problems solved. I didn't even look at it and said, You got the correct bell housing for matching the engine to the transmission but it's for the wrong model.
I was right.
Everybody can continue to throw jello against the wall until something sticks but until the basic and formost obvious question about the ball stud mounting location on the bell housing is answered, im walking away...

I'm thinking the A body bell might be the wrong choice. However - you can fab up something pretty easily. I used an E body Z bar, fork, and an E body bell on my big block setup years ago. The premise is easy enough: get the bell's ball stud to line up with the frame bracket's ball stud, make the tube long enough to float in between them, then stick the levers on the tube where ever you need them to be. Either that or find that small block 3sp setup.
Ccommando1 i GET your point. I had the z bar in and in its pivots level between the frame bracket and the spot i had the ball on the bell. I did not have much option for a bell being that its a small block car. Everything is fine except the arm length at the clutch push rod side. That arm i need to make substantially longer. Thats my next attempt. I may even have to make the slot in the firewall bigger to make this work..... rags. If you could snap some photos of yours that may help. (Even though yours is a big block)
Is the arm that pushes rod to the fork indexed correctly for full travel?
You index that arm on the bar first so it travels 11 to 2 o'clock.
Then you go back and index the arm that the pedal rod is con nected to so that it only swings the fork arm 11-2


You start at the transmission and work your way back to the clutch pedal.
Trig helps here too.
what are the pedals from? could have a wrong angle at the pedal. i don't see why you should have to cut the firewall.
Pedals are from 67 manuel brake Fury. Everything bolted in fine. I am going to index the arm on pedal side this weekend. Its obviously 2 short. I will report back with my findings.
The 11-2 thing i understand for the pedal side. But for the clutch side being the arm is upside down would that rule still apply just backwards? Commando your sketch is a little confusing. But i get wjat.your sating