Chrysler’s New Name

Could’ve been this ...
I'm sure Walter P. did things that we're perfectly acceptable in his day but are now considered ____________ (fill in the blank)

Therefore he deserves to be erased

Let us take all the cars that bear his name and send them to the crusher
Perhaps "the bankers" should have replaced Billy Durant (as the head of General Motors) after the fine job Walter P. did in saving Buick, way back when? Before Walter P. could go out and be on his own with his Chrysler Corporation?

Since the first Europeans invaded/conquered the North American Continent, perceiving they were superior to any then-current residents of this continent, I suspect that many individuals and groups have done SOMETHING to mis-treat or bully those who were already here. We can't now-control what our ancestors might have done, especially what is now determined to have been "bad", but we CAN chose to follow a better course into the future. Unfortunately, it'll probably be a few more generations before that might be possible, unfortunately. NOT that we shouldn't start NOW, though. Apparently, there were LOTS of individuals/groups who were offended by many "normal" actions, over the years.

In those earlier times, I felt that some "names" were just descriptive words, no more, no less. NO ill will intended! I graduated from high school in 1970, so you can put that into my perspective on things. To me, these were "great time" in the USA. Very interesting cars, since the 1950s, a strong military economy (especially in the DFW area), expanding science and technology, and we had witnessed many "dreams come true"! Personally, nationally, historically, financially, with many on the horizon for the future. Amid all of these things, there were other things festering from some segments of society, which have now seen the light of day.

BUT, although I and others might have been unknown conspirators in the "white supremaCY^ orientation of things in those earlier times, that does NOT make me (or others) a "white supremaCIST", by any means! It appears that this whole conversation has many more aspects and side issues than ANY one sound byte can encompass!

Just some thoughts,
Another brand added to the orphan list.
The list goes on.....
So since I was a kid Chrysler and the Washington Redskins have been part of my life, now in 1 week they are both gone, crazy times.
The ‘Skins are in Washington, so is the Pentagon, so why not the Washington Pentastars !!! I know they play in Maryland, but what the heck.
nothing lasts forever in this world , so now we all own yesterdays cars for sure , a couple name changes and them ''puff'' its gone . now the dealers will have a plethora of car offerings , and the parts that are assembled are who's knows what design again .
I don’t expect to see that nameplate on a vehicle.
Here’s the new “ Stellantis Ram 1500” !! Sheesh