Cleaning up the inside!

I haven't had any problems with POR yet, my uncle had it in his car, and its been sitting for 15 years and we moved it the other day and it was still fine. i used a wire brush on the grinder as well. Ill have to try some different products to see which one I like the best. Thanks for all the tips and stuff guys.
POR is great in areas where the sun won't get to it. I sealed the interior floor pans of my cars with it during restoration. I had trouble with their engine paint changing colour though...didn't do so well there with engine heat.
Thats what Im using it for. I also did most of my frame and underneath. I also used the POR engine paint for my manifolds and within a few days it was peeling off. But other than that, everything I use it for is great.
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Finally got the floor painted with POR. It needs to be touched up in a few spots, but overall aint to bad looking

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Looks nice, unfortunately I am anal and will need the car floor painted the color of the car
Nothing wrong with it...... looks good. Its just another thing that has held me up from doing a car
Nothing wrong with it...... looks good. Its just another thing that has held me up from doing a car

Get some of those undocumented Jersey boys to do it for you..........better yet it may be a slow week for some of Ross' boys.
POR says it doesnt need a cover coat but I found that to be not true. At least rattle can it with satin black.

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Its a lot more than I thought I was going to have to do. It took me around 2-3 hours to get it all done. And I plan on putting a topcoat on it somehow and insulation.
good to see someone has good luck with por15 couldnt get it to stick to my 73 newyorker scraped if off with my fingernail like latex paint bought all the cleaners and metal prep they want you to use so now im trying rustbullet but anyway good luck with the project and dont forget to post pictures of the progress
let me know if works i always used dynamat on the floors and doors just dont like all the little cuts you get installing it
I'll post pics of it during the process. Hopefully this stuff works good. Just ordered my new carpet and door seals. and got some sound deadening material and carpet padding on the way now.
Thanks! I appreciate it. Its taking forever for my carpet insulation to get here. I also found door weatherstripping (seals) for my car at They were very helpful and I'm getting them made and will be here by the end of April.
Bob, have you checked with this Dixie resto outfit for your formal weather seal needs?