I can't figure out market value any more.


Old Man with a Hat
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Sebring, Florida
I don't understand the market for Formals any more. I used to be able to tell you to the $ what one was worth.
Now, all I see is cars triple what they are worth (and still heading up), absolutely not selling, and NObody is willing nor motivated to move either way.
63 Corvettes are so predictable.
Wouldn't you just factor the ones that sell and ignore the sellers that are fishing? I think you still know what their value is.
Well, I hope the prices stay down.....at least during my lifetime. I'm not ever going to sell my cars.
I think you still know what their value is.

As a lark, I threw my NYB on ebay just to find out the truth.
I wrote the best listing possible and sat back.
1st Listing ....opening: $10,000.00 Reserve: $12,000.00. I was checking mostly to see if Europeans were really that nuts.
2nd Listing....opening: $1,000.00 Reserve: $12,000.00. That way I would find out the true market price and was still waiting for Europeans. They take forever in consummating a deal.

1st Listing ....1,300 hits, 20 watchers, zero bidders. One unintelligible inquire from Germany.
2nd Listing....1,300 hits 28 watchers, 3 bidders. Ended at $2,025..
Besieged with offers after closing. All from Germany. Unintellegable, $2,500.00 offer and one legit German for $5,000.00

As worthless as it is, it would take $12,000.00 to pry that car away from me. THAT"S how you define a real keeper.

And Mark needs to find that car that it would take 6 times the amount of money it's worth for him to want to sell it. he hasn't found it, yet.
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Sifting through all that you only had one serious buyer. Add that bit of data to the rest of your historical knowledge. I still maintain you know the market for your car as well as Dave and I know the market for 70 Polaras.
Yep. For one of the best. $2,100.00 in a fire sale and wait a a tad longer for $5,000.00 from Germany.
And I see $ $4,000.00 Fusies going to Germany for $8,000.00 and $15,000.00 Fusies going to Germany for $9,000.00.
I took two semesters of Marketting and THAT was never, ever in the textbooks.
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So what do you think of the value of this one?



I guess the Derby Guys would drool over my NY'er then!
Chances of Commando selling his car for 12K = zero.

Why on earth would you do that? What would you do with the 12K?

Good for me that it's a buyers market cuz I'm gonna buy a few more & I don't plan to sell any of them.
Chances of Commando selling his car for 12K = zero.

Why on earth would you do that? What would you do with the 12K?

Good for me that it's a buyers market cuz I'm gonna buy a few more & I don't plan to sell any of them.

Thatta boy!!! The more the merrier!
Chances of Commando selling his car for 12K = zero.
EXACTLY if not less than zero.
You're NOT getting it Ross.
When there isn't enough money out there to make you part with your car, then that's your keeper.
All perfect cars are keepers. All keepers are not perfect cars. Stop trying to achieve perfection.
Easy there big guy. We're both saying the same thing. You wouldn't sell your car for 25K (at least I hope not). None of my cars are for sale at any amount either.

the C body market is unbelievably horrible which is great for anybody looking to buy but just sucks for anybody who wants/needs to sell.

Not having access to aftermarket parts is what really blows me away about C's. so little demand that nobody can make money, what a shame. That alone pushes the cost of restoration way beyond what the car will be worth.
My hardcore Mopar buddy Lance down here just bought an old F-100. Got it Monday.
He fainted when he found out the wheel opening moldings are only $90.00 for a set of four brand new ones....
Mr. C, I wouldn't insult you by asking you what your Imp collection is worth,
Each one of them alone is priceless, let alone three of them.
The three of them together as a set. More than priceless X 3. You have a case where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
That car is only worth @ $500.00. My buddy scoped it out and sent lots of pics. That car has tons of rot...not rust, ROT that is percolating through the old bondo. Good interior with no rips and a running 440 drivetrain. You'd need to rebody that car with an Arizona donor to save it.

If by chance that car gets parted out...........I would definitely be interested in the steering wheel and other parts.