Interesting wear patterns on rear drums


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2022
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
I’m not sure what’s going on here, but I wanted to share the pictures with you all and see what you think. I’m going to have the drums turned, and get new brake shoes.

One side looks to have been previously fitted with riveted shoes. It went to down to the rivets and made ridges in the drum, and rather than replace the drum or have it turned, someone just put new bonded shoes on there and let the shoes wear in to the existing ridges.

The shoe material on the other side of the rear are cracked, and there’s some curious wear marks.

What do you think would cause these types of marks on the drum?


It looks like the car sat for a while and the riveted shoes started to bond to the brake drum
Some of the factory shoes had a groove in the center that served as a wear indicator, when the groove was worn down, the shoes needed to be replaced. There would be a dark line about 1/4" wide at the center of the drum until the shoe was worn out. Looks like a normal normal wear pattern to me.

Some of the factory shoes had a groove in the center that served as a wear indicator, when the groove was worn down, the shoes needed to be replaced. There would be a dark line about 1/4" wide at the center of the drum until the shoe was worn out. Looks like a normal normal wear pattern to me.

Interesting! What do you make of the weird “splotches” every inch or so going round the drum? One looks like a hamburger and the other looks like Hawaii.
Interesting! What do you make of the weird “splotches” every inch or so going round the drum? One looks like a hamburger and the other looks like Hawaii.
Those are probably heat marks from sustained hard braking, as long as there are no cracks they usually do not hurt anything. If you turn the drum and find any cracks, best to replace the drum.

Those are probably heat marks from sustained hard braking, as long as there are no cracks they usually do not hurt anything. If you turn the drum and find any cracks, best to replace the drum.

or maybe a parking brake out of adjustment? These are on the rear . . . either way, thanks for the comments.
It’s from being overheated. Might be able to cut them, the problem is they might not be able to be cut due to the hardening of the metal.
Unless the reflection in the 1st pic is actually blue, I don't see any blue marks from extreme heat. I also don't see any cracking from heat. I think the drums can be turned.
Unless the reflection in the 1st pic is actually blue, I don't see any blue marks from extreme heat. I also don't see any cracking from heat. I think the drums can be turned.
The blue oval on the drum in the first picture is a reflection. The drum was sitting on the lid of my recycling container.