Motor oil

Heavy duty 30 weight Rotilla-T iz the good stuff for the old iron headz with or without hardened seatz. I'm down to less then ah full case now but my Carquest guy sayz he can still get me all the cases I need, Jer
Heavy duty 30 weight Rotilla-T iz the good stuff for the old iron headz with or without hardened seatz. I'm down to less then ah full case now but my Carquest guy sayz he can still get me all the cases I need, Jer

Are you suggesting it isnt made anymore?
No Dave not yet anyway, but I think the writing iz on the wall and all because of the environmential portection agency protecting us from ourselvez 'cuz of itz having too many partz per billion of too much ZZDP or what ever the hell that zinc additive iz. I wonder how many of 'um would die of ah heart attack if we told 'um how much 100 octane leaded we swallowed back in the dayz when we were too poor to buy it and had to borrow it from someone else? DID I SAY THAT?
Now, does oil have an expiration date as it sits on the shelf waiting to be five years?
HMMMMM, Not to my knowledge but lemme see here? I've got 6 quartz of KLOTZ 2 CYCLE MO-CICLE SYNTHETIC ADDATIVE thatz been on my shelf along with 4-or? qt'z of WOLFSHEAD straight 30 wt. non- detergent plus ah few qt'z of ATF and some real odd ball stuff including ah few qt'z of Dot-3 and Dot-5, power steering fluid, and Hydraulic fluid that have all been there at least 30 yearz and I wouldn't hesitate for ah minute to pour any of 'um in anything I own 'cept for the 2 DOTZ which are Ride Specific and I don't think I wanna mix 'um. Nope, I think I'd safely say no expiration date! Kinda like the K-Y jelly that I found behind the headboard that I moved for cleaning behind ah few yearz back!
As I understand it, the zinc level was reduced in the Shell Rotella diesel oil a few years ago.

From what I have read, ideal ZDDP should be 1400ppm to 2000ppm. You want more than 1400ppm to reduce wear and over 2000ppm causes some other wear issues.

I've seen claims of testing Rotella with levels of approx 1100 to 1300ppm. Close and probably good enough, but some of the specialty oils are 1400 to 1800ppm.

Take all that with a grain of salt... It's from what I've read on the intraweb and it may not be 100% correct, but I think it's pretty close to reality.

I use Brad Penn with a ZDDP level of 1500ppm.... and there's a good reason.... The company my oldest son works for a oil distributor that sells it and he can get me a pretty good deal. I might still buy it even if they didn't.

BTW, my son tells me you'll see a lot more oil using re refined oil. He says it works out now to be better than virgin oil because of the refining process. If you think about it, they take dirty crap sludge out of the ground and make clean oil out of it... cleaning up the used oil isn't that big a deal and is becoming more cost effective.
I've had good luck over the years with Shell Rotella-T, Castrol GTX, and Valvoline. I've also used Amsoil synthetics with no problems.
I don't think the brand of oil used is that important as long as it is a good quality pennsylvania crude. The key is the interval it is changed at. 3000 miles if driven that far, twice a year if not. I usually stick to 10W40.
Good gasoline and additives is more of an issue with old cars.
I was using re-refined oil back in the 60's.
25 cents a quart. Came in clear glass bottles and no label.with a screw on metal spout.I think they re-refined it by pouring it through a pair of pantyhose.
Merit Gas Stations. They still around?

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How do you all feel about synthetics in old engines? I use schaeffers in my 96 pickup.....

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Right now the newport has 10-40 quaker state with stp oil treatment in it.(stp for the zinc)

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I was using re-refined oil back in the 60's.
25 cents a quart. Came in clear glass bottles and no label.with a screw on metal spout.I think they re-refined it by pouring it through a pair of pantyhose.
Merit Gas Stations. They still around?

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Remember when you could buy reconditioned spark plugs?
I was using re-refined oil back in the 60's.
25 cents a quart. Came in clear glass bottles and no label.with a screw on metal spout.I think they re-refined it by pouring it through a pair of pantyhose.
Merit Gas Stations. They still around?

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Remember when you could buy reconditioned spark plugs?
No. That's a new one on me.
I remember our gas stations all having plug cleaners. The ones that looked like 1/8th scale sand blasters. Those 100k mile plugs sent those into the closet and finally to the trash.

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I was using re-refined oil back in the 60's.
25 cents a quart. Came in clear glass bottles and no label.with a screw on metal spout.I think they re-refined it by pouring it through a pair of pantyhose.

Milk would have shot out of my nose, had I been drinking milk.
When I rebuild my engines from now on, I will use a roller rocker setup so I don't have to think about this mess. Those setups also allow more aggressive cam ramps that help low end torque anyway, making for better performance than the old factory cams. It is just a matter of time before the higher zinc level is gone from commonly available oils, and while the mail order stuff will probably be around, it is pretty inconvenient and expensive. Over time, it is probably less expensive cumulatively to just go with a roller lifter set up than pay a premium for the mail order stuff. And the data I see is also all over the map - one example is a recent study showed Royal Purple had one of the worst pressure resistance ratings while the article referenced by Stan suggests it is one of the best. Who really knows what to believe?