OK, I am not a good welder.

Like fury pursuit said, get rid of all the paint in the area, the heat will cause it to melt and the fumes will mess with the purge. Slowly spot weld the whole area first to build up, but trigger pull once every 30 seconds. I know it will take awhile but your retired!
What kind of machine do you have Stan? Does it have infinite settings?
Does it need to be from a fast top? If no I should have a good clean rust free one I can cut out.

:eek:ops: :rant:

I f*****d up this project bad.
I asked for a section of the corner of the trunk to replace my rusted out one.
Chris/azblackemi being the awesome guy that he always is, sent me one out of his own pocket and I ruined it.
I CAN'T ask him again.
Anbody have a hulk lying around so I can buy section off of you ?


Yes, I know an extremely highly skilled welder. I will use her this time
Jason saves the day & Stan's gonna let a girl weld it this time. :rolling:
I'm sure if Stan had a cigar in his mouth right now he would have chomped right through it.
Yet again, another FCBO member comes through.
By far the best Mopar community in the world.
Thank you this time to Jason.

And if you want to know why it always rusts out in this area....

Hey Stan, just a quick question, what gauge wire are you using in your welder? It should be 0.6mm for best results and far less chance of burn through.