old grumpy men in hats - whats a wet turbo gonna do? am i gonna die?

Why gleefully? Yes people made lots of mods to carbs depending on boost level to make them work for blow through. All that is a main reason people are drawn to draw thru pun intended. If you're only doing 3-5 psi you probably don't need to do anything. But you'll also not have much gain.
Again, today's tbi systems are an awesome place to start for a boosted classic engine.
gleefluuly lifted from another site, not the content itself (we both know its for blow thru anyway and not related to topic)

so lighten up francis :) im not digging on anyone

I just posted it here so I could find it later

I still haven't given up on wet turbos, but I have found that eddy carbs are equally hated for boost, so now I may have a double challenge.

or I boost an eddy - which is what im studying now.

the book advanced carter tuning for superchargers is on the way.

Sometimes it is interesting to learn for yourself. I had a couple mentors, one who had been doing DIY turbo charging for 25yrs, so I listened to him (a lot) so I could skip some of the harder lessons. He jumped to efi very early, the old dfi stuff that become Accel gen 6 eventually. Carb on a street car was just plain tough.
People gravitate to Holley for performance and hence the hangar 18 mods.
'feets' of moparts fame made a Carter work ok before he gave up and went efi.
My whole goal in this thread was to find the cheapest way to turbo-fy my motor. im looking at $1k for decent headers, and figured I could build a turbo system for that, or less.

so in studying all this nonsense, I learned that eddy carbs for blow thru use are even more hated than a draw thru turbo setup.

so I started gathering any/all info I could find about carter / edelbrock carbs and how to boost them.

a bunch of forgotten carter and edelbrock carburetor hacks. pictures and information scraped from the interweb.

ill make a sticky thread here if yall will keep your posts about " just buy a holley" and " I had a carter on my pinto it ran great" if we can keep it to just carter / edelbrock hacks and adjustments, but right now its over on my site.

I just started throwing it together last night so its not too exciting yet. but I have some carter and federal mogul manuals and other stuff to add to it soonly.

full disclosure - I haven't tried any of this yet on my own eddy carb. but it LOOKS like it boosts easier than a holley. change floats, reference the float bowls to boost, change to marine pump, done.

anyone out there running a boosted edelbrock carb?

try not to die -

- saylor
Looking forward to your results., try not to die !!!!!!