Proper Bucket Seat Installation


Active Member
Jan 22, 2014
Reaction score
Pittsgrove, NJ
While I wait for the power steering pump rebuild kit to arrive I started tackling the front bucket seats. They were seemingly rigged in place with whatever nuts and bolts could be found. I ordered the seat mount bolt kit which comes with some rubber bushings (Mounts seat bracket to floor pan). One day the seats will get pulled and reupholstered but for now I want to reinstall them properly.

In the attached pics you can see "spacers" were added using oversized nuts between the seat and the seat frame rail. On the passenger side there were three bolts in the front and only two in the back. Maybe to adjust ride angle, not sure. I assume these "spacers" are not needed.

Anyone have pics of what the seat to bracket installation SHOULD look like? Should the seats mount directly to the brackets without these spacers? One of the mounting points on the drivers side bracket was actually cracked, I assume because these spacers put unnecessary stress on the mounting point instead of the entire bracket resting on the seat bottom.

The kit I ordered has rubber bushings which I suspect go between the floor and the seat bracket which would probably put the seats back to the original ride height if I remove the oversized nuts that are currently used as spacers.


The nuts were put in there as spacers to lift the front of the seat up for tall people.
The dealer had spacers that were typically under the track to the floor.

Thanks, Alan! Sounds like those can be removed and the brackets can be bolted directly to the seats without these spacers. In theory these spacers make sense but in practice, over time, it looks like it caused too much stress on the bracket causing it to crack. I was able to weld it back together with only two small fires :wideyed: and will remove these spacers before reinstalling to prevent further cracks from happening.