Restoring my Heater box, core, blower motor etc.


Senior Member
FCBO Gold Member
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
Ajax, Ontario, Canada
What should I be looking for and what can I service within it while I have it out, I already have a few things I noticed that should be repaired while it's out of the car.

As a minimum, bench test the blower motor to ensure it works and that the bearings are okay and that the heater core won't spring a leak on you. Both are a real pain to get to and it would be a shame to have to crawl back in there after the car is painted.
I would replace the blower motor with a new one since you have it apart. They are cheap and easy to get from the auto stores.
heater core and motor is the cheapest insurance you can buy that will guaranty a return trip to hell.
Your can buy both together or individually.
Gotta dig into it in the near future, working on getting the metal work done and it off to my buddies shop.


I just wanted to know what I need to give a good check over.
I agree with commando and NYB. Replace the heater core and blower motor. Cheap insurance for your carpet and floorpan.