The most hideous car accessory ever invented.

I believe that there was a high beam switch cover of that flavor (tiny) too…
Those pedal covers may be considered "tacky" by some, but I am proud to have them installed in my Fury. You see, some 30 tears ago, when my daughters were very young, they gave them to me for Father's Day. They (chiefly the older girl) found and chose them against thier mother's advise. I am proud to use them. Sentimental!? Sure! Lindsay
My wife gave me a set of fuzzy dice to hang in my car when I first brought it back home.
They seem to have gotten lost in the attic by the time I finished. Oh well!
Come on, theres nothing wrong with fuzzy dice.
Now car lashes that's the absolute worst. The people who have these put the *** in accessory.:elmer:


My wife gave me a set of fuzzy dice to hang in my car when I first brought it back home.
They seem to have gotten lost in the attic by the time I finished. Oh well!
I didn't have fuzzy dice, but my kids bought me a set of eight-balls, with lock knobs to match. I would hang 'em up at shows.
