Belated Carlisle pic's


Old Man with a Hat
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
Alabama Gulf Coast
I know Carlisle 2016 has been beat to death here, but we just arrived home yesterday and I thought I'd post a few of my favorites.
This show has been one of the best Carlisle events I have attended, (which is a lot since 1992).
The trip out and back was great. Camping in the vendor area was a blast. And thanks to Dave, (Polara71), the Admiral got to share the honor of representing C body's for this special celebration of C body's in building Y. It was great visiting with Bob, Kevin and Jeff at our space in the evening, and several others throughout the event. It was good to see Mark again, however briefly. Although Julian could not attend he was there in spirit to me through his gift of the "Admiral" script which was proudly displayed on the Admiral. The group picture was fun and pleasantly caotic.
Thanks to Jeff for his help and support during the Saturday evening "adventure".
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Perfection X 300
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A few pic's.......
A few that caught my eye.
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I had to drag myself away from that red 69 383 Cuda. I started thinking crazy, like I could/should own it. The picture will have to do.
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Thankz for the pix Will. Missed you and Ellie this year AND THE ADMIRAL, My Bad. I hope you told the owner of that Formula S White '65 Backaruda that with that 273 in there he had two too many cylinders. The only A-Body I never owned that I should have waz ah '65 formula S W/ 225 4 Spd with 3 side draft weberz. I still own the aluminum intake for the 3 weberz on the /6 tho' so maybe someday, lol