Fury rear quarter replacement question


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2014
Reaction score
South Paris, me
found online a place called "Bob's classic auto parts" and they offer a replacement lower rear quarter panel. I have seen many posts about the lack of good replacements quarters, and would like to know if these are more of the same? Price seems pretty reasonable, but if they are junk i dont want to waste time and money. Thanks for any feedback


I have these for a 65 fury I'm working on... Not sure what brand they are... My brother bought them 10+ years ago. They are pretty thin in my opinion but they'll work for me... I only have rust around the edges of the wheel well.
all around no good? I really only need around the wheel well and can rebuild, just thought if these worked it might be better. thanks

I bought two of those (l & r).
Throw three 100 dollar bills into the fireplace. Same thing.
I talked to a man at the phone number listed, and he doesn't stock them, but his supplier has a pair and can ship them right out. I asked about the size of the lip on the wheel opening and he cant tell me more than its not much. they ship from Michigan, after leaving the blacksmith shop in Canada.
Thanks for the heads up
Looks like more of that C2C crap.

Junk... Give the money to charity instead.