How many 1970 300 convertibles are left in the USA?


May 2, 2023
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South-Savo, Finland
Hey everybody! 1077 Chrysler 300 convertibles of the 1970 model were produced. We have maybe 5 of them here in Finland, certainly more in Sweden, but how many are left in the USA?
Hahaa, good idea, but back to the point. Are there car statistics in the USA, for example from the car registration center?
Not really. There are services that can search records but it costs money and will not be accurate for cars no longer registered.
As for the 1,077, I found a document from 1976 that contradicts that number as actually being 903, but who really knows?

I doubt there is a unified source of vehicle type registrations in the USA. States might have something of that nature, but not the feds. THEN it would most probably be for car brands rather than specific models of each carline. For example, how many Dodge pickups on the road after 10 years compared to Fords or Chevies. Might know how many F-150s, but not 2-dr F-150s in particular, for example.

I clicked on the link and was very surprised that there were 42 pages in that thread!

It's an impossible to answer question.
No one tracks that information nationwide. Even if they did how many are sitting in garages, driveways or fields unregistered?
True they are. Maybe Barry at the Hamtramck site has something on them. He has alot of stuff.
Hahaa, good idea, but back to the point. Are there car statistics in the USA, for example from the car registration center?
The short answer is nothing that I would call accurate.

All 50 states in the USA have their own motor vehicle registration departments. I can't say for other states, but in New York the info that they might have is just "1970 Chrysler" with no models listed separately. On top of that, they aren't going to give out any of that information anyway.

Here's my 300.

My gut suspicion is that probably in the 500 range, or thereabouts. When the cars were new, they were probably sold to upper middle-class buyers (either an empty nester or a 30-something small family) who lived in CA, on the Gulf Coast, or in FL, typically. The cars would have been under a carport or garaged at night, nicely cared for. Even as a somewhat daily-use car, depending upon the weather. Then sold later on. I suspect the 2nd owner "knew what he had" and took good care of the car, too. By the time the 3rd and later owners happened, the car's future would be a crap-shoot, as to good or bad.

Certainly there were Chrysler convertibles north of the Gulf Coast, all the way to and into Canada. Places with fewer "special" top-down days or evenings happening. There was even a car club in Houston (in the 1970s and later) which was specifically oriented to "convertibles"! Those cars would have been well-cared for due to the buyer demographic, I suspect.

To me, one of the best looking 1970 300 convertibles was the dark crimson with white interior and top. Although black would have been better for durability and not show the blue-fade from my Levis. Similar Dodge and Plymouth C-body convertibles would probably have a higher attrition rate than Chrysler C-body convertibles, I suspect. For no other reason than their lesser re-sell price point in later years, much less initially. Those decent survivors are probably now being rebuilt?

One thing about the "northern region" convertibles, the generally lesser sun angle did not do as much degradation of the vinyls and paint as the greater sun angle in TX or AZ did (or still do).

Just some thoughts,