Looking to rebuild my carb.. Can someone confirm kit compability

Didn't need one on my 67 440

I talked to one of the Tech's at Edelbrock years ago who was a Mopar engine builder and tuner for a race team (forgot who is it was) and he said that plate is included in the manifold box because it is needed to properly seal the carb to the intake. Eddie spread bore intake design and Eddie square bore carb design. The only combo you don't need the plate for is if you are putting a TQ on the Eddie manifold.
You can use this Eddie 9266 Heat Insulator Gasket in place of the Eddie 2732 adapter plate as stated in the installation instructions....I personally use the 2732 plate (it's free and in the manifold box).

❑ Carburetor adapter, if carburetor is to be installed on other than square-bore intake manifold. See Steps #4 and #5 following for specific part numbers. ❑ Throttle Linkage Kits for Ford or Chrysler applications (See Carburetor PREPARATION, Step #1). ❑ Divided square-bore heat insulator gasket #9266 for dual-plane (stock or Performer-type) manifolds. May be used in place of square-bore adapter plate #2732 on some Edelbrock manifolds.


Sounds to me like either you have a nick at the needle/seat or a pin hole on the float. Those are just guesses and require another disassembly... also get rid of whatever fuel you can and find fresh ethanol free stuff. That seems like a lot of corrosion for a year old carb. If it comes apart again, sounds like it will, shake the float to see if you think there is any liquid inside... heavy float/flooding would result. If the corrosion inside was that bad, you may need more cleaning or you may wind up all the way at just replacing it. Some fuel filters clog or start to come apart from the ethanol fuels which are corrosive in the first place... even fresh.

If you have doubts as to the condition of the carb, post detailed pics here and maybe someone will spot something.

Thanks for the tips. I had already checked and rechecked the float assemblies it isn't that.I spent a couple minutes with it today, the idle is really lean, like there isn't enough gas getting through the idle circuit. I can bump the acc pump or cup the air horn with my hand and it picks up.

I'm probably idling high enough to coming out of the idle circuit, but why is one booster dribbling while the other isn't?My next move is to check for vacuum leaks. Thanks gain for the input, I'll report back when I get it figured out.