Match my new Steering gearbox


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2022
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I have read horror stories about new gearboxes that do not made myself a template, jig, fixture, stencil to try to match up the bolt holes and surfaces on my new Lares 11031. I have been ASSURED several times that it will fit. So, assume the 1 1/4 x 31 spline pitman, and the steering shaft will fit. But, before I take the time and manpower to put this new one in place, I will use this quick template to try to do a rough check on fit. I have the two surfaces and three bolt holes in place with wood.....and when UPS shows up, I will try to measure.

steer gear stencil.jpg
The new Lares 11031 arrived today.....and thank goodness, my gauge fits it like a glove.....two surfaces, three bolts. And, the pitman and steering shaft also fit correctly.....cannot tell you how happy I am after reading about previous issues with steering. To add to my great day, Lares called and is shipping the rebuilt pump back. Cant ask for a better day. I will confirm after install is finished.
Sooo, after thanks above for the surfaces and bolts being good, I was thinking the install might work.....hmmmm, not. I have had the box out four times for frame interference. It will not tilt forward onto the two bolt surface.....about 1/4 or more gap at the top bolt and it will not tilt down. So, look for bad spots, and took off a good amount on one ear up against the side wall, and opened up the bolt holes a bit with a carbide on dremel. No go. Back out and finding interference on the cross frame under the box. So, thought I had the right spot and used a grinder to tone the frame down. Nope. So now, after a day of it, I will pull it again, and remove more from the cross frame under the center of the box. It is so tight that it is difficult to use paper or cardboard to check I am trialing, with error. At this point, I am wishing I had taken my first option, to send mine in for rebuild since it fits. I am hoping that this new design will work better IF I can get it to speak to me.
So, I am going to write the mfr to make some suggestions that will go in file 13. But, after a day of misery and a night of worry, I decided to remove the stud, which is great to help the install position the box. But, what I found today, is that the bolt holes in the new box were quite a bit of a problem. They were all OK with reference to each other, but were too high, positioning the box too low and it hit the frame below....the cross frame. So, removed the stud, and after putting in the two bolts, found the hole for the stud to be off by at least 1/8 inch. So, I pulled the box, opened up the two bolt holes to 9/16 and then added room on the bottom of the stud hole. And, voila, it went home just fine. Alll surfaces in contact, and bolts went in. All is good with the world...that is my world....a drink and relax for a bit before the pitman and the steering column. Waiting for the pump, and I am optimistic that all will go well.
Pretty much done now on this project. The Lares eqpt is the best, imo, this including the new design gear, the rebuilt PS pump, and the new rag joint. Yes, some issues with fit of the box that I have described to sweat. But, I have now flushed and bled, and run the beasty a bit, and I can say that I could not be happier. After the main bleed, when run, I had some foaming going on for a bit, but run with steering lock to lock when driving and it is great. And, as with everything else on this one, I put her in P and it drifts. Like all else, I will now check the shift adjust to trans....I am sure it is off a bit, but we will see. One thing at a time, but cannot tell you how happy I am that this is working. Let me hope that it continues. MoPar
Have you had your new steering box out on the road? Did Lares accept your suggestions?
Yes, have driven the car mainly on short jaunts as I am still working things like brakes. However, the steering is great, and firm as advertised. Both the new design box and the rebuilt power steer pump are great. It has been interesting in that as I spent months on my new wiring harness from painless, I did the same thing....sent a lot of corrections and suggestions. As a retired engineer who worked nuc ships, I had a couple suggestions on minor mods to the new box to correct potential install problems....not a big deal. But, after my feedback, I got the same thing I got from the patent office recently.....nada. I have long ago realized that for some reason, when I was hiding behind the door and they said Brains.....I thought they said Train, and I ran to get it.
Thank you for replying. So it was just a matter of removing stud and elongating holes to raise the box?
I began by leaving the stud in place and one of the other screws would not go in......and in my shanker means, I actually messed up the bolt nutsert threads on the inside. So, after a huge fight, I removed the stud. Then, I could see that the round lower section of the new box, was hitting the frame. I used a grinder to try to just touch up the go. So, then, I got serious about measuring the situation, and found that the box needed to move upward about 1/8. And, I found that the stud hole was the worst offender. So, again, the grinder.....actually, a dremel with a carbide. I lowered the stud hole that 1/8, and the others about 1/16, and voila.....all nice again. Howsumever, I did have trouble with threads on the one insert I screwed up....and it would not tap, very hard I think. So, I used a bit shorter bolt that got about five threads, grade 8, and am happy. I am thinking that most stresses are shear and less tension, so in my pea brain, all is well with the world. That is my story, and Im stickin to it. One final point I will address. Due to the close confines of the box mount, it is VERY difficult to ascertain that it it SEATED. So, a lot of attention here not to just try to pull it down when cocked and not can see the inside seat, but not easily....make sure it seats before trying to pull it down.
Makes me glad I save ALL the old, original **** I take off my C bodies! I was extremely lucky w the BBB I bought off eBay, but I troubled to be damn sure it was a 1966 specific box, which seems to have been then in short supply, and still may be. I got mine in on Turkeyday, no problem. I'm interested in seeing how well it will work on our '68. Making a rough test template for these ought to be part of our SOP I reckon. These steering gear boxes didn't vary MUCH, but it doesn't take much to render them useless in the wrong application.

Just looked at my old receipts. Sho' 'nuff, the BBB 502106 differs from the Lares 1031. Note that Rock Auto offers both of these for 1966 vehicles, but only the Lares offering for 1968. Folks, I suspect the Lares offering might not be quite right for a 1966, despite their assurances. I recall reading something about this stuff when I got what I did.