Need help finding 75 NYB rocker panel trim

My suggestion is this: take it to a good auto body man. Have hin straighten the torn area closed. Ask him his opinion to putty the area, refinish it and spray it to match the brushed look. It will be painted to match the same as before. If you are confident in your abilities you can do this yourself. Years ago my '59 Imperial had pot metal "spears" behind the rear wheels. Every piece I found were in bad shape. I found a man to remake them from stainless steel. The car has stainless before and after that piece and it made no sense but I'm happy I did that 25 years ago.

Damn that's a great idea!! My cars a driver not a trailer queen, so that idea makes perfect since. I'll go see him this week.
Well folks!! Here's what I did today.. After a few of these. I desided to jump in and do it myself with the suggestion of a few members, well kinda, it was suggested that I take it to the body shop, with considering the difficulty of locating a replacement panel I agreed, my driveway became the body shop.


From 3-5 feet away, no to bad if I say so myself. With the panel having some curvature to it and being on the bottom of the car you really can't tell unless you're looking..Don't get TOO close though. Lol
All you guys were correct, The panel is aluminum. So with a few handy tools and some patients I was able to hammer and Dolly The hole back in place and get it as straight as I Could. Even happen to have a small metal roller to take as many creases in kinks out as I could.
I took some aluminum tape that I had in the garage and cut a piece a little larger than the damaged area. I applied the aluminum tape on the damaged area and then took a scuff pad and made a pattern on the aluminum tape similar to the pattern in the panel.. Cleaned it all up and reinstalled it. Good enough for government work at the moment until I can find a replacement panel.