The Imperial might have a new home soon...

View attachment 83466 View attachment 83467 View attachment 83468 View attachment 83470 This is the '79 Dodge B250 "hippie van" and the '71 IH Travelall Diesel I owned,along with the F350 CC 4x4 Diesel. All great vehicles. They satisfied a want at those particular times. Below is also the hotrod in question:
I woulda kept the van. Hmmmm a nice imperial vert vs a cobbled up hotrod built from many different cars that looks like its not even completed. I'd pass. BTW lets see a pic or 2 of the imperial you want to trade out for said "hot rod"

I did want to build a Tee Bucket about 30 years ago, then realized it have way more in it thanni'd ever get out of it. I worked at an auto auction and had to drive a 327 4 speed one thru the auction lane, that ended it for me.
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