Tonights main event

Awe be nice, we cant split up families anymore, how fair is that? It is every Americans duty to pay for the care of other people from other countries. Its just not nice to split up people that are here illegally! Why instead of spliting up families they just wouldnt all move back together, how rude that would be to do that to people. I fully support Obama care!! I think even if you have insurance from your company we all should chip in for people that are not Americans living here so they can have free healthcare and tie up the emergency rooms. I just dont think the over 20k in payroll taxes I paid this year is enough. Really didnt bother me when a illegal (sorry undocumented person) hit my 56,000.00 Hyundai Genesis R spec and didnt have a licence or insurance and I had to pay to get the car fixed and its loss of value. I just think 5M people need free everything as I dont mind busting my *** to support them and their 15 kids. COME ON OVER BORDERS OPEN AND THE AMERICANS PAY!!!!! Obama has made this once great county a joke.

And just in case I'm being sarcastic....
It is hard to believe what is happening in/to this country today. 2016 seems like a hell of long time away.
Just looking at that cretin's face makes me want to puke up flaming bile. His spousal unit Michael/Michelle makes me want to beat my head into a steaming mass of gray matter on a wall. Disgusting examples of what people should NOT strive to emulate.
Last night I was totally prepared to perform my civic duty to listen to / watch the president's speech. But. . . Since I was already pissed about something else, I thought: "Why do I want to be even more pissed than I am now ?!?" So, I guess I'll see it all and hear it all later in the funny papers. . .
Just looking at that cretin's face makes me want to puke up flaming bile. His spousal unit Michael/Michelle makes me want to beat my head into a steaming mass of gray matter on a wall. Disgusting examples of what people should NOT strive to emulate.
Best words uttered that I will hear today.

Posted via Topify on Android
Just looking at that cretin's face makes me want to puke up flaming bile. His spousal unit Michael/Michelle makes me want to beat my head into a steaming mass of gray matter on a wall. Disgusting examples of what people should NOT strive to emulate.
"Spousal Unit", LOL.

Someone claimed around here she's hot.