Where was this Mopar Brochure/Ad Photo shot?

yes. the GEarth view confirms you are correct and aligns great. :) I had same issue with the Elysian Park Helipad you found a few years back -- geting the elevation of downtown LA correct was trouble initially for me.

View attachment 536548

Below is my attempt confirm the location using GMap .. focusing on the orange box? I don't really see te the skinny one with the arrrow.

Probably because its really is NOT skinny .. its just blocked by a "taller " structure more in the foreground and I still could not get the angles quite right in Streeet view.

And my resultuion is crappy (my PC is six years old .. I think I am gonna donate it to the Smithsonian next year).

View attachment 536550

@3175375 is definitely ALREADY in the right place, per his post above, so I am sure he got/will get it too. Hope he will chime in a little bit later and regale us how he got to the right place too... :)
Worked at LAX
Questions on this photo:

1. City and State (big city in the midwest USA is my pick)?
2. Location of this 300 IN that big city?
3. What's wrong with the picture -- can it be actually taken or not?

Figured it out. Will PM you with the answers…. And yes, there is something definitely wrong with that photo.

Fun game!
Figured it out. Will PM you with the answers…. And yes, there is something definitely wrong with that photo.

Fun game!
We are definitely in the same neighborhood to we wound up in the same city.

I like your take vs. mine ... depends on what THEY did with the photo -- i am about four blocks from where you think the car was parked..

Also, tHe building you recognized to get to the right city .. i agree that the building ITSELF has a recognized brand name removed from it.

We'll give it till tomorrow .. let some others weigh in maybe .. and then compare notes out in the open.

I knew exactly where I thought it was, but couldn't make it work until I figured it out. :) PM sent.
I knew exactly where I thought it was, but couldn't make it work until I figured it out. :) PM sent.
thanks boss! got your PM. nice sleuthin' man!

the folks I have heard from ALL AGREE on what city this appears to be. the architectural clues/geography of the general area as well is quite distinctive.

BUT where the car is .. or even IF its where the buildings are .. is problematic. finding a spot for the car - flat like a parking lot -- where all the angles work out didnt happen for me.

This does NOT include the buildings .. again ALL right in the same area .. appear to to be reoriented versus each other.

Meaning, the photo is "shopped"/brushed, and/or the images BEHIND the car are "reversed" (e.g. whats really on the left if you were physically standing there, is now on the right in a photo of that same location). In other words, north is really south, east is really west, etc. because the photo is distorted

Anyway no doubt though of the city -- as again there are several architectural landmarks in the background that are in just ONE place in the world.

I'll post something soon and we can compare notes out in the open.

Since I now know where this is…. Is it possible the advertisers/marketing people would float in a barge for the pic? (I guess that is kind of a clue as well).

Now that I type that, probably more trouble than it’s worth. It’s clear they have no problem photoshopping a picture.

Thanks for posting things challenges. I have been cooped up after testing positive for COVID on Monday, these geographies games have really helped with the boredom. Thank you!

I have been to this city too, not to exact location but I am pretty sure where this car is supposed to be. I am NOT from this city.

I am also sure the "background" isnt right .. some buildings in view are out of place -- in fact, I am not even sure you can park a car to get these angles/backgrounds for this photo. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it

We'll see if I get proven wrong ... again. :).

Questions on this photo:

1. City and State (big city in the midwest USA is my pick)?
2. Location of this 300 IN that big city?
3. What's wrong with the picture -- can it be actually taken or not?
#299. Three of us see this the same way. @SPF Required and @D Cluley had a better view than me of WHERE this 300 could be. I FELL FOR the "reverse shop" and wound up looking for the car in the WRONG place.

We all agree:
1. This city is Chicago IL

2. Location is downtown of course but in the area of Michigan Ave (a north/south street) crossing over the Chicago River (runs east/west through here)

3. Ah .. where is the car so getting a real picture is even possible?

I believed it to be WEST of the Michigan Ave Bridge). The other two fellas can speak for themselves but they think different (and I agree with them - IF the car is even in the vacinity,


I indicated I could not make stuff "line up" becasue the photo has been altered. We all agree that this is probably right. The logical extension is, IF the photo is shopped, then the car could be anywhere in the world.

A. What's wrong with the photo? the BACKGROUND is "reversed" behind the car.

B. How can you tell? The modern bulding above the hood of the 300 is the Trump Building (with its ouydoor signage erased btw) on the NORTH side of the Chicago River. The stone facade building above the roof of the 300 is the London Hilton on SOUTH side of Chicago river.

Here is the proper view - looking WEST with Lake Michigan BEHIND you

C. So? To get BOTH buildings in ONE photo, you'd have to be looking WEST into the city along the Chicago River. That in turn would mean, the London Hilton would be on your left (south) and Trump Bldg would be on your right (north)

in the 300 photo, the buildings are reversed behind the Chrysler. How do you know the Chrysler is NOT reversed? Gas cap is on DRIVER side and is properly shown .. which means the car is "right" but the background is REVERSED.

I also digitally reversed the city scene above .. you see the buildings "switch sides"

UntitledEE2ccc12812Yxy (2).png

D. To prove a point: I reversed the GAME PHOTO below to show the effect: Now the two buildings are "right" as they truly are on the ground, looking WEST in Chicago, but the car appear to haves the gas cap on the PASSENGER side -- thats "wrong"

UntitledEE2ccc12812Yxyza (2).png

E. Summary. Thats Chicago "background no doubt. You can confirm for yourselves with Google Map, Earth, or similar tools to show you downtown Chicago.


I contend there is NO physical location to get shot of the car and the buildings so that everything lines up with physical reality .. UNLESS .. the car we somewhere on the NORTH side of Chicago River, and EAST of the Michigan ave bridge, then maybe its all fine?

I just can't land Mr. Pegman anywhere to prove its possible. I remain a doubter until that location (@SPF Required ID'd the River Esplande parking structure as a possibility)
@amazinblue82 let me know post #10 has gone unsolved so I accepted the challenge.


using all the tool at my disposal. That house with the steps is by all means a real place located at 40 East 68th Street in Manhattan. Looks like the steps were remove at some point in the building’s life


But…. Columbia pictures made a replica of this house on their backlot in Burbank a long time ago (ironically about 2 miles from where I was born and raised). The fact street view is present is great…. This is not an area accessible to the public.
Dropped pin
34°09'29.6"N 118°20'40.0"W

So….. I believe that ad picture in post #10 is from the studio backlot. My reasoning: the car in the ad looks to be parked more on a driveway rather that a NY street. But really it is the details of the house next door. That plaster work is still evident in the backlot structure.
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thats pretty good boss ... that all lines up factwise, appearance, anomolies (e.g., NO driveways on NYC streets like the brochure photo).

Some of us suspected as much (e.g. a 'set"), or a demolition .. both events we could not "prove" with documentation.

I am good .. now could you take #197 off the table? :poke:

@amazinblue82 let me know post #10 has gone unsolved so I accepted the challenge.

View attachment 536736

using all the tool at my disposal. That house with the steps is by all means a real place located at 40 East 68th Street in Manhattan. Looks like the steps were remove at some point in the building’s life

View attachment 536735
But…. Columbia pictures made a replica of this house on their backlot in Burbank a long time ago (ironically about 2 miles from where I was born and raised). The fact street view is present is great…. This is not an area accessible to the public.
Dropped pin
34°09'29.6"N 118°20'40.0"W
View attachment 536734

So….. I believe that ad picture in post #10 is from the studio backlot. My reasoning: the car in the ad looks to be parked more on a driveway rather that a NY street. But really it is the details of the house next door. That plaster work is still evident in the backlot structure.
When this one first came up I spent hours walking around this area, I saw that building, way too different in my opinion. Way too many details on the building do not match or even come close (likewise the building next door), same era, possibly the same architect but definitely not the same building.

while we're chewin' on #193 (that one isolved already btw but member is letting it run), this is from my discarded puzzle file.

I worked LONG and HARD on this to no avail for almost a year.

View attachment 135516

I had a hint it was Southern CA "mission" or church-school with a bell tower/steeple/spire that goes up out of the photo. that and the stone work has a Western US feel to it.

EVEN if it is such a church or similar building, it still could be anywhere in SoCal .. just that part of CA is BIG and heavily populated.

Its such a distinctive structure tho, chances are somebody has seen it, visited it .. wherever it is.

Its got a CA topography it seems .. but the structure is what will reveal it i think and not the geography.

Anybody who knows can run another game with it? Give the rest of us some clues? Or, we can let it marinate until someone stumbles on to it
Reviving post 197 here.

Instead of coming right out an answering it (I did figure it out BTW), I will take a page from @amazinblue82 playbook and drop some hints.

It is a church, but not mission aged.

And…. the rolling hills in the background is NOT typical SoCal geography. In fact, nearly quite the opposite from a geographic perspective. Has more of an Appalachian Range feel to it.
Late to the game on this one, Google Earth has the ability to go anywhere, did my best to position the camera as close as I could to capture as many details as I could.
Chicago 1.jpg

The picture was most likely taken from one of the portals, top of the stair but not the upper terrace. The difference in elevation throws off some of the alignments.

Chicago 2.jpg

For the 197 puzzle: Did Sir Frances Drake ever sail the Saint Lawrence river? (Not a clue for the location, but possibly for a person affiliated with this church building )
When this one first came up I spent hours walking around this area, I saw that building, way too different in my opinion. Way too many details on the building do not match or even come close (likewise the building next door), same era, possibly the same architect but definitely not the same building.
i recall my searches with a wince ...:)

like you, i was up/down 42nd street to almost Harlem, from Ffith Ave to the FDR. I dont recall this building @SPF Required found exactly, but do recall a few "close but not quites".

why I like the back lot idea is that that explains the "driveway" issue. NONE of the NYC things I saw ever had the appearance of a driveway. just sidewalk/curb arrangements typical of the city.

So, its better than anything, all things considered, that I was able to come up with as it checks a lot of boxes ..IMHO
For the 197 puzzle: Did Sir Frances Drake ever sail the Saint Lawrence river? (Not a clue for the location, but possibly for a person affiliated with this church building )
i am gonna wrestle it down boss .... prolly after work today. if i get it, you'll have to regale me (and some others) how you found this place outta a million (litterally) places it could be?

so, i was almost 3,000 miles away huh? :)
i recall my searches with a wince ...:)

like you, i was up/down 42nd street to almost Harlem, from Ffith Ave to the FDR. I dont recall this building @SPF Required found exactly, but do recall a few "close but not quites".

why I like the back lot idea is that that explains the "driveway" issue. NONE of the NYC things I saw ever had the appearance of a driveway. just sidewalk/curb arrangements typical of the city.

So, its better than anything, all things considered, that I was able to come up with as it checks a lot of boxes ..IMHO
What I saw was a bunch of new buildings that could have replaced it.

i recall my searches with a wince ...:)

like you, i was up/down 42nd street to almost Harlem, from Ffith Ave to the FDR. I dont recall this building @SPF Required found exactly, but do recall a few "close but not quites".

why I like the back lot idea is that that explains the "driveway" issue. NONE of the NYC things I saw ever had the appearance of a driveway. just sidewalk/curb arrangements typical of the city.

So, its better than anything, all things considered, that I was able to come up with as it checks a lot of boxes ..IMHO
The "driveway" was faked with some added green work, either onsite of later. The sidewalk clearly follows the building.

The "driveway" was faked with some added green work, either onsite of later. The sidewalk clearly follows the building.

burbank set has a sidewalk too .. plus the space to adorn it with fake bushery to create illusion of a driveway..
For post 10, these were the details that clinched it for me that it was a Burbank set:

The angled detail in the plaster is
Not present on the neighboring building and the writ iron fence was also the other detail not present at the real location.