392 Hemi, WIW?

I thought the 325 only came in poly heads?

Edit - Nvm, the 1956 D-500 is 315 Hemi and 1957 KD-500 is 325 Hemi. I think it is all 1958 325s that were poly.
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Posts: 3180

Location: The not-so-great, dirty-white North ( Michigan) Dodge juggled names of their engines.
First there was the 241 Red Ram. All of these in Dodges were hemis for 53-54.
Then in 1955 displacement went to 270 CID, and the Red Ram was a poly, and the SUPER RED RAM was the hemi.
Then in 1956 displacement increased again for some engines to 315 CID. The 270s were again poly Red Rams, the SUPER RED RAM high-deck 315 CID was also a poly, and the hemi was the 315 CID D-500 (and D500-1).
Now in 1957, Dodge again had a displacement increase from 315 to 325 on the high-deck engine. The low block 270 was gone. The Red RAm and Super Red Rams were poly 325 CID engines, and the KD500 and KD500-1 were the hemis. Also, a KD501 was offered. This was a 354 Chrysler 300B engine, with no-name valve covers borrowed from Dodge trucks.
The final Dodge Block was the 1958 L325 engine. Again it was 325 CID anf was only offered as a poly
Well that cleared things up.......

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