Don Rickles RIP

I still get a kick out of watching his old stuff. It just doesn't age. I'm sad to see him gone.
Rickles served in the military for 2 years during WWll.
Rest In Peace Don and thanks for the laughs.
Even at 90 he was still sharp as a tack. Only got the chance to see him on Kimmel and Fallon a couple times and thought he was one of the best/funniest guests they ever had
One of my fondest memories growing up is my parents letting me stay up to watch The Tonight Show when Don Rickles was a guest & all of us laughing hysterically at his comedy. The Dean Martin Roasts are television gems. He was an equal opportunity offender. His style of comedy is one we won't see again. That is too bad. Thanks for all the laughter & memories you hockey puck! May you rest in peace.