

Old Man with a Hat
Jul 4, 2012
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Central Oklahoma
I've been having issues with my eyes lately. It's a combination of things/factors I'm not going to get into, right this moment. I went to an eye specialist yesterday, and he kinda scared me a bit. Getting my eyes dilated always screws me up. The appointment was before noon yesterday, and whenever I have to have the eyes dilated, I generally feel like crap afterwards, and need a long nap. Yesterday was no exception. I napped a good five hours, watched a couple of funny YT videos, and went back to bed. Got up at six am today. Slept like the dead, and felt great.

Does dilation screw with any of you guys at all? I know that the eye doc needs to do that, in most cases, but it just knocks me off-kilter for the rest of the day. It's not fun.
I had cataracts at 31 years old. Had an acute glacoma attack in one eye a year later. Torn/detached retinas in both eyes 15 years ago. In all, 6 surgeries and 4 laser procedures.

I see 20/20 with a slight correction. I can't lift anything too heavy because of the torn retinas though, but heavy lifting is over-rated.

The key is getting someone really good to work on you and following their instructions to the letter.

Dilalation does make me feel a little crappy after. Irritates my sinuses a bit too and I think it screws with my urinating sometimes too. You might want to mention that to your doc. They may have other stuff.

Now I gotta tell the dialation story... I stopped after work to see my eye doc. The plan was no dialation, so I drove myself. Well... He saw something and dilated my eyes. Then he went in with his laser and "welded" the retina in a spot. So, I walked out with only one eye functioning well enough to see and that eye was dilated.

I had parallel parked my Corvette out on the street.... And the sun had really come out in force that afternoon and I was parked facing the sun. I couldn't get in touch with anyone to come get me, so, I had to get out of the spot, one eye closed and half blind in the other... With the long nose of the Corvette that you can't really see. Work wasn't far, so I went there to recoup a bit before I went home.
I had cataracts back in '02 and '05. Amazingly simple surgeries! I was in my early 40s then. The waiting room was full of aged 65+folks, all awaiting the same surgery. This 80-something lady was seated next to me. She looks over and asks "Are you waiting for your Mom or Dad?" "No ma'am, I'm waiting to get the surgery myself." She replied "Oh, Sonny, you're too young for that, aren't you?" I laughed and replied "No, unfortunately!"
Had to have both eyes done for cataracts last fall. Don’t recall any issues with the dilation during the testing but I was prepared and had a ride home.
Crazy how fast the cataracts happened. I was watching tv one evening in late April or early May and I said to my wife there is something wrong with the tv and she said no. Went to the eye doctor and he told me I had a very aggressive form of cataracts so he got me in to the specialist almost immediately. All went well and I got them done. Most cataract surgeries are two years out here so I was very fortunate to get it done quickly.
I had cataracts back in '02 and '05. Amazingly simple surgeries! I was in my early 40s then. The waiting room was full of aged 65+folks, all awaiting the same surgery. This 80-something lady was seated next to me. She looks over and asks "Are you waiting for your Mom or Dad?" "No ma'am, I'm waiting to get the surgery myself." She replied "Oh, Sonny, you're too young for that, aren't you?" I laughed and replied "No, unfortunately!"
It was crazy for me to go into the doc's office when I was that young. I needed a ride home so my (first) wife came and if we couldn't get anyone to watch the kids, who were very young, they came with us too. We got some stares, but usually the older folks looked at our kids like grandkids and it was fun for them. My kids pretty much behaved well, so there was never any problems.

I was always always the yooungest patient there...
I have never had a problem when my eyes have been dilated. Blurry for the remainder of the day but no other physical effects.
After I get my eyes dilated they usually feel "gritty", and my vision is a little blurry for a while, but no other effects. I hope your issues are resolved quickly!
So the one medication that we know my daughter is allergic to is whatever they use to dilate her eyes at the eye doctor. I don’t have the name in front of me, but she now gets ‘the other stuff’.

When she had the reaction to the bad stuff, the nurses didn’t seem to surprised and said that it is not all that uncommon. I’ll ask my wife what the name of the bad stuff is and let you know.

Perhaps you too are have some sort of an allergic reaction?
So the one medication that we know my daughter is allergic to is whatever they use to dilate her eyes at the eye doctor. I don’t have the name in front of me, but she now gets ‘the other stuff’.

When she had the reaction to the bad stuff, the nurses didn’t seem to surprised and said that it is not all that uncommon. I’ll ask my wife what the name of the bad stuff is and let you know.

Perhaps you too are have some sort of an allergic reaction?

The medication is called phenylephrine.