Home Sweet Home

Final member of the family home... and quite well color coordinated I'd say!
Sweeeeeeet!!! I know she'll enjoy her new home! Congrats Gav!

Now get to work :poke:
I've never seen a garage that one could park a C Body in and still have 4' or so to walk around it... now if I can kick that pesky Accord of the wife's out of the other bay, I'm in biddnez.
They like being nice and cozy indoors.
Congratulations on your new home and many happy years there!
Thanks man! It's been a long trip. Haven't slept as well as I have in the past 5 days in the last 5 years!
First night

Afternoon, day 2


Silliness. It's this way every day that the sun is not totally obscured. I have no shots of the sunrise but it reflects on the western sky similarly. What a friggin magical place.
Gettin' settled in? Still feelin' good?
Oh yea... Haven't had much time to do anything but occasionally have a beer in the front seat of Bev out in the garage. Still a lot of moving and building to do. Hoping to take a few hours tonight to empty her trunk of all my tools and organize the tool box.

But it's great to have everything and everyone in one place. Thanks for asking, man!
Big hurdle one out of the way. Crappy concrete no longer doing anything but keeping squirrels out. .. kinda.
And God said: "Let there be light, and there was light, and it was good."

Looks like the wait and the struggle was worth it, Gav. Way-ta-go!
Yup, still got some stuff to attend to but that was the biggie! Next step is the roof on the sunroom, then the two biggest issues are sorted.
The epic dog yard. I figured after a good year in captivity with only leashed activities, they needed a good 25,000 sq ft.

These stank doges needed some runny time!
Your dog's love the yard I see
Oh yea. Hard to keep them in the house but my littlest one has an extreme hatred of 2 stroke motors and I've got a lot of chainsaw and string trimmer stuff to do while I have sun. Get en back out this afternoon!