Part date codes for a car made the previous Dec?


Retired USAF MSGT (SW) yes navy also.
FCBO Gold Member
Mar 10, 2017
Reaction score
OK the car was produced Dec 65 it is a 66 model, what would engine date codes be on a part and would the part (dist in this case) have the same part number as 66 or 65? I have no Idea if this part was made in 66 or not. Thinking Nov 65 date code? Not up on this stuff nor has it ever came up for me before.
Part numbers will be the same. If date codes are marked on the parts/assemblies then they should precede your car's build date by as much as a few months.

No date codes should be later unless parts have been replaced.
That's what I was thinking also was just not sure.
You are good as long as the production dates are prior to the build date for the vehicle. Some parts, such as engine blocks, will have highly variable times from when they were produced and when they were installed. On high production engines such as the 318, it might be a month or less. On a 426 or 440 big block it could be several months. I have a numbers matching 440 car from 1970 that has a block date in July '69 with a vehicle build date in mid Oct '69. Hope this helps.
