Can't change the embrace it!


Senior Member
May 3, 2013
Reaction score
Baker, MT
Sure it would be nice to drive the fun cars year round, but we can't change the weather.....and I am not moving South! Picked up the new sled I ordered this spring. If you haven't rode the mountain snow, I highly suggest taking a trip. It's so much fun.




Very nice!! We had snow here already and I still think it is a little early for the slop to show up.
Catfi [ATTACH=CONFIG said:
awesome polaris. rode the mountains up your way 20 years ago. yellowstone and montana. memories i will never forget. i even high marked the guide on a rented sled. he didnt look happy cause his sled of course was tweeked. first thing i did was pull off the thumb warmer for more throttle travel. lol enjoy your winter wonderland.
I know you're going to have some fun with that, who wouldn't???
Nice sled ! That should be a blast. I'll pass on getting it stuck though, getting them unstuck is a *****.
Nice machine! Back in the '70s, my Dad had a food truck that we took to all kinds of events. My favorite was going to the snowmachine races. Made great coin selling coffee and hot chocolate out there!

What's wild is that though I grew up around that, I've never been on a snowmobile. And I've been snow skiing maybe six times in my life.
We grew up riding junk sleds that my dad would literally pay 5 to 15 bucks for at farm auctions then get them running. We were on the mountain with 20 year old sleds that were so far behind the current models......but it was some of my fondest memories as a child. Fast forward thirty years, and I am able to purchase new and buy him one as well. But getting to see my father act a kid again for a few days is priceless.

Watching him lay on the snow laughing really warms my heart.
