Sub-Division UPDATE

I'm feeling your pain, my new closest neighbor.
Well a lot has been happening in the last month. They cleared another lot directly behind me & extended the burm to that lot. No sign of a privacy fence. They have already started building houses on the lots. And they are very close & directly behind my shop. 20 yards from my property line. And I kept my junk basically behind my shop so it looks like the junk is in their back yard. I’m standing on the property line in these pics
A few days ago we had a bad storm. 6 inches of rain. And as expected the burm they built caused flooding on my side. They only put in one drainage pipe & it quickly filled with mud. I realized they are not finished but this can be bad if they don’t fix this right when the next hurricane comes through.
And they continue to clear lots. These two are very close as again I’m standing on my property line in the pics. They poured the foundations Monday & the brick masons will be on the scene in a few days the start the block work. There’s only 4 undeveloped lots left in this phase of the sub & they are all on my side with 3 touching my property line. I’m sure they will have those started by summers end. The other sub about a mile down the road that got tied up in a legal matter I’m hearing has been sold to another developer & work has restarted on it & the state built a turning lane that has helped but now needs a traffic light. Also hearing they want to tie the two subs together. That will be interesting. They have finished the Private School they built just a half mile up the road & already have students. It will be at full capacity soon. The traffic out here is getting real. The speed limit in front of my place is 35 because of the two schools however they run 55 through here. A lot of kids walking around & riding bikes as the schools have evening activities & sports yet no one obeys the speed limit. It’s just a matter of time.
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Sounds like you're being consumed and your lifestyle is going to change. I'm sorry to say, but I'd be packing and headed for the hills.

Once those homeowners start bitchin' they're gonna come after you and start nitpicking every little thing you're doing.

Very sad, I feel for you.
A few days ago we had a bad storm. 6 inches of rain. And as expected the burm they built caused flooding on my side. They only put in one drainage pipe & it quickly filled with mud. I realized they are not finished but this can be bad if they don’t fix this right when the next hurricane comes through.

That little ponding in the shade looks like great skeeter breeding grounds. That will keep the new neighbors at bay!
That little ponding in the shade looks like great skeeter breeding grounds. That will keep the new neighbors at bay!
Yea it drained off pretty quick as it got hot but in the fall & winter when a big storm comes in it could be there all winter.
After reading through this thread, and learning of the unfortunate demise of your surroundings, it made me think of this song...