67 Newport fastback slant 6

How about this. I'll talk to one of the yard dogs and have him give me a call IF he hears it's going to the crusher. If that happens I'll grab the tag. This is a salvage yard in one of the piss poorest cities in the nation!
E class, as in CE? The low end was the economy version. But my 440HP is also CE23L, I believe all Newports were CE. CM was the three hundred? You would have to see CE23B7. The Chrysler book says not available.It will be Interesting what you will see for sure.
:drowning:I double checked this thing with that web sight that I posted. Hopefully I don't look like an idiot tomorrow. Don't wann loose what lil Cbody cred I've got!
Nah! It is always fun to possibly hunt down that car everybody said didn't exist, like the 66' Coronet four door hemi. Until several were found. I saw one brand new!
On another note some tennesseans moved around the corner from me. I saw a 67 satellite on a trailer one day, the next week there's a 72 2 door Newport, then I drive by on my way to get my shaft shortened and there's a 68 4 door hardtop Newport on the trailer. Needless to say I stopped and spent about an hour BS'n with them.
I sure liked that 68' hardtop in San Fransisco in the other post. it is a much better looking car to me than my 67' New Yorker in my view. But I used one in 1975 as my daily transportation. So I am biased.
I sure liked that 68' hardtop in San Fransisco in the other post. it is a much better looking car to me than my 67' New Yorker in my view. But I used one in 1975 as my daily transportation. So I am biased.
I do like the 68's better on the Newport/newyorker side of the c body's.
We've all got our unicorns! I'm leaning towards a 67 2 door imp or a 68 300. Not as rare, but rare cuz I can't afford one!
I remember reading somewhere on here about the rarity of a 67 Newport FAST TOP slant 6. Is my memory serving me correctly? Is this a rare car?

It is common for the tail of a "G" to not be properly stamped making it look like the letter is a C.
People often see this and interpret a G code 383 car as /6
Could that be what you saw?
Legitimate pre 1970 "C" VIN cars would be very rare.
Here's a comparison between a "C" and a "G" missing it's 'tail'. A "G" will come up higher on the right side of the letter.

Gut feel: the fender tag will show engine code 61.

It is common for the tail of a "G" to not be properly stamped making it look like the letter is a C.
People often see this and interpret a G code 383 car as /6
Could that be what you saw?
Legitimate pre 1970 "C" VIN cars would be very rare.
Here's a comparison between a "C" and a "G" missing it's 'tail'. A "G" will come up higher on the right side of the letter.

Gut feel: the fender tag will show engine code 61.
its a definite possibility! I just did a quick search. I'll be driving by there to drop some bids off so I'll take a closer look and get some better pics anyway.
Never, ever, absolutely not.

And I'm stilling waing for someone to show me that a /6 Polara roamed the wild.

I had a slanty 67 Polara a few yeas ago that I bought at a charity auction here in Phoenix. It was a Canadian car. From my research at the time there were a fair amount produced for up there.
I had a slanty 67 Polara a few yeas ago that I bought at a charity auction here in Phoenix. It was a Canadian car. From my research at the time there were a fair amount produced for up there.
Just as I suspected.. Thank you.
So far no American /6 Polaras.